When a new roadside rest area is established adjacent to or within the right of way of a state highway, or when rest room facilities are constructed in an existing roadside rest area adjacent to or within the right of way of a state highway, a separate rest room facility for persons with disabilities of […]
(1) If a roadside rest area adjacent to or within the right of way of a state highway does not have a separate rest room facility for persons with disabilities of both sexes, a person with a disability and a person of the opposite sex who is accompanying a person with a disability for the […]
(1) The Department of Transportation shall establish by rule a permit program allowing nonprofit organizations to provide free coffee or other nonalcoholic beverages and cookies at roadside rest areas managed by the department. Cookies offered under the program must come from a licensed facility. Rules adopted under this section may not restrict the program to […]
The Oregon Transportation Commission may adopt rules governing health and safety in roadside rest areas and scenic overlooks under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation. [2009 c.99 §2]