US Lawyer Database

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Section 366.505 – Composition and use of highway fund.

(1) The State Highway Fund shall consist of: (a) All moneys and revenues derived under and by virtue of the sale of bonds, the sale of which is authorized by law and the proceeds thereof to be dedicated to highway purposes. (b) All moneys and revenues accruing from the licensing of motor vehicles, operators and […]

Section 366.507 – Modernization program; funding; conditions and criteria.

The Department of Transportation shall use an amount equal to the amount of moneys in the State Highway Fund that becomes available for its use from the increase in tax rates created by the amendments to ORS 319.020, 319.530, 825.476 and 825.480 by sections 1, 2 and 10 to 15, chapter 209, Oregon Laws 1985, […]

Section 366.508 – Legislative findings.

(1) The Legislative Assembly finds that: (a) Estimated highway, road and street revenues from current sources will not adequately meet the need for continued development of a statewide road and bridge system that is economically efficient, provides accessibility to and from commercial, agricultural, industrial, tourist and recreational facilities and enhances the highway safety, environmental quality […]

Section 366.510 – Turning over highway funds to State Treasurer.

All state officials charged with the collection of highway funds shall, upon the first of each month after collection, unless a different time is otherwise provided, turn the same over to the State Treasurer, who shall enter such revenues in the account of the highway fund. [Amended by 1967 c.454 §106]

Section 366.514 – Use of highway fund for footpaths and bicycle trails.

(1) Out of the funds received by the Department of Transportation or by any county or city from the State Highway Fund reasonable amounts shall be expended as necessary to provide footpaths and bicycle trails, including curb cuts or ramps as part of the project. Footpaths and bicycle trails, including curb cuts or ramps as […]

Section 366.516 – Incurring obligations payable from anticipated revenues.

The Department of Transportation may incur obligations to be paid from the State Highway Fund for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair or maintenance of highways, streets and bridges in excess of the amount then standing to the credit of the State Highway Fund if in the opinion of the department there will be sufficient funds […]

Section 366.517 – Department may determine certain accounting procedures.

The Department of Transportation shall determine the accounting period for which any expenditures shall be charged against the State Highway Fund. The department may charge such expenditures against the State Highway Fund at the time the expenditures are actually paid even though the expenditures were obligated during a prior accounting period. The department may keep […]

Section 366.523 – Transportation Project Account.

(1) The Transportation Project Account is created in the State Highway Fund. Moneys in the account are continuously appropriated to the Department of Transportation for the purpose of making allocations described in ORS 367.617 and for the purpose of paying bond debt service on Highway User Tax Bonds issued under ORS 367.615. Interest on the […]

Section 366.524

[1985 c.209 §7; 1987 c.899 §§18,19,20; 1989 c.865 §§5,5a; 1993 c.637 §17; 1993 c.770 §7; 1995 c.440 §3; 2001 c.669 §5; 2003 c.618 §16; renumbered 366.739 in 2003]

Section 366.525

[Amended by 1967 c.463 §3; 1971 c.376 §4; 1979 c.344 §8; 1981 s.s. c.3 §108; 1983 c.164 §3; 1983 c.338 §920; 1985 c.209 §3; renumbered 366.762 in 2003]

Section 366.530

[Amended by 1955 c.43 §1; 1955 c.287 §23; 1967 c.454 §41; 1977 c.743 §1; 1983 c.338 §921; 1987 c.440 §7; 1991 c.407 §34; 1993 c.741 §41; 1997 c.249 §117; renumbered 366.764 in 2003]

Section 366.535

[Amended by 1967 c.463 §4; 1975 c.527 §2; 1979 c.344 §9; 1985 c.209 §4; renumbered 366.766 in 2003]

Section 366.540

[Amended by 1967 c.454 §42; 1983 c.363 §3; 2003 c.618 §45; renumbered 366.768 in 2003]

Section 366.541

[1995 c.790 §1; 2003 c.618 §19,20; renumbered 366.772 in 2003]

Section 366.542

[1987 c.899 §3; 1999 c.797 §1; 2003 c.201 §38; renumbered 366.774 in 2003]