(1) The Oregon Transportation Commission may select, establish, adopt, lay out, locate, alter, relocate, change and realign primary and secondary state highways. (2) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the commission may not permanently reduce the vehicle-carrying capacity of an identified freight route when altering, relocating, changing or realigning a state highway […]
(1) The Oregon Transportation Commission may select, establish, designate, construct, maintain, operate and improve or cause to be constructed, maintained, operated and improved a system of state highways within the state, which highways shall be designated by name and by the point of beginning and terminus thereof. The system of state highways shall include such […]
(1) The Department of Transportation may locate, relocate, define, establish, reestablish and confirm the extension, location and establishment of primary and secondary state highways where: (a) By reason of loss or destruction of field notes of the original surveys made by the county when such roads or highways were laid out and established by the […]
(1) The Department of Transportation may select, locate, establish, designate, improve and maintain out of the highway fund a system of state highways, and for that purpose may, by mutual agreement with several counties, select county roads or public roads. By an appropriate order entered in its records the department may designate and adopt such […]
Before proceeding with a modernization project, or a series of modernization projects on a single highway, that might result in a segment of highway to which tolling could reasonably be applied, the Department of Transportation shall determine what portion of the costs of construction and maintenance could be recovered through tolls on users of the […]
The Oregon Transportation Commission may make such changes in the location of highways designated and adopted by the commission, as in the judgment and discretion of the commission will result in better alignment, more advantageous and economical highway operation and maintenance, or as will contribute to and afford a more serviceable system of state highways […]
(1) As used in this section, “highway” has the meaning given that term in ORS 801.305. (2) The Department of Transportation shall adopt rules, taking into consideration the following: (a) Incorporating environmental performance standards into the design and construction of all state highway construction projects, including local government highway construction projects funded by the department. […]
(1) Whenever the Department of Transportation relocates or realigns a state highway or a section thereof, and by reason of such relocation or realignment there is eliminated from the original route of the highway a section thereof, the eliminated section shall, if needed for the service of persons living thereon or for a community served […]
The Department of Transportation may select the materials to be used in the construction, maintenance and operation of state highways. It may purchase or contract for, independent of any particular job, improvement or highway project, whether done by contract, force account or otherwise, any material, supplies or equipment deemed necessary for carrying out the provisions […]
The Department of Transportation may construct, equip, furnish and maintain office accommodations, shops, equipment sheds, storage plants and warehouses, snow fences, patrolmen quarters or accommodations and any other building, structure or thing deemed necessary for the efficient administration of the duties of the department and which in the opinion of the department are required for […]
The Department of Transportation may determine the widths of rights of way for all state highways.
(1) The Department of Transportation may acquire rights of way deemed necessary for all primary and secondary state highways, both within and without the corporate limits of cities and towns, except that such rights of way within the corporate limits of cities and towns may be acquired at the sole expense of the state, at […]
(1) When location, construction, relocation, reconstruction, maintenance or repair of a state highway requires relocation of any facilities placed or maintained in or on a public right of way by any municipal corporation, or a district or authority established under ORS chapter 264, 450, 451, 523 or 545, the Department of Transportation shall pay the […]
When plans of the Department of Transportation projected for one year involve acquisition of properties in any city which will require removal of 25 or more dwelling units, businesses or institutions, the Department of Transportation shall make a study of the persons residing on or maintaining businesses or institutions on property scheduled for highway acquisition. […]
(1) When federal funds are available for payment of direct financial assistance to persons displaced by highway acquisition, the Department of Transportation may match such federal funds to the extent provided by federal law and to provide such direct financial assistance in the instances and on the conditions set forth by federal law and regulations. […]
The Department of Transportation may acquire by purchase, agreement, donation or by exercise of the power of eminent domain, real property for right of way through a cemetery, except that the department has no authority to acquire any such real property by exercise of the power of eminent domain if within the area sought to […]
The Department of Transportation may, when acquiring real property for right of way purposes, acquire additional real property adjoining the real property sought to be acquired for the particular public project if such additional and adjoining real property is needed for the purpose of moving and establishing thereon buildings or other structures then established on […]
As used in this section and ORS 366.333: (1) “Real property” includes any right, title or interest in real property. (2) “Utility” means any corporation, including municipal or quasi-municipal corporation, company, individual, association of individuals, lessee, trustee or receiver, that owns, operates, manages or controls all or part of any plant or equipment in this […]
(1) If real property upon which utility facilities are located is necessary for city street, public road or state highway location, relocation, construction, reconstruction, betterment or maintenance, and any portion of the real property is likewise required by the utility for the proper operation of its business, but the utility is willing to convey the […]
(1) Whenever in the location, relocation, construction or betterment of any highway within the state, it is deemed necessary to locate, relocate or construct the highway, or any part thereof, upon the right of way of any railroad company, the state, through the Department of Transportation, may negotiate and agree with the railroad company for […]