(1) Notwithstanding other laws to the contrary, any person desiring to conduct a temporary horse sale to which the public may consign horses for sale by auction open to public bidding and where such sale shall not exceed one calendar day may make application to the State Department of Agriculture for a temporary horse sale […]
Except as provided by ORS 599.245, the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to a person licensed pursuant to ORS 599.610. In lieu thereof, the State Department of Agriculture shall promulgate regulations relating to the time, place, manner and method of the temporary sale of horses as authorized by ORS 599.610. In the enforcement […]
The State Department of Agriculture may revoke or suspend or refuse to issue the temporary horse sale license of any person who does not or has not complied with the provisions of ORS 599.610, 599.620 and 599.640 or regulations promulgated thereunder. [1959 c.63 §4]
No person shall violate the provisions of ORS 599.610 and 599.620 or the regulations promulgated thereunder. No person other than a licensee of a livestock auction market or stockyard as provided by ORS 599.235 and 599.401 shall operate an establishment, place of business, or conduct a sale to which the public may consign or permit […]