Family and medical leave insurance benefits are available to any of the following during a period of family leave, medical leave or safe leave: (1) An eligible employee who: (a) During the base year or alternate base year, as applicable, contributes to the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund established under ORS 657B.430 in […]
(1) A covered individual may qualify for up to 12 weeks of family and medical leave insurance benefits per benefit year for leave taken for any of the following purposes, in any combination: (a) Family leave; (b) Medical leave; or (c) Safe leave. (2) Notwithstanding ORS 657B.025 and except as provided under subsection (3) of […]
Any family leave or medical leave taken under this chapter must be taken concurrently with any leave taken by an eligible employee under ORS 659A.150 to 659A.186 or under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-3) for the same purposes. [2019 c.700 §5] Note: 657B.025 becomes operative September 3, 2023. See […]
(1) Family and medical leave insurance benefits are in addition to any paid sick time under ORS 653.606, vacation leave or other paid leave earned by an employee. (2) An employer may permit an employee to use paid sick time, vacation leave or any other paid leave earned by the employee in addition to receiving […]
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, an employer may require an eligible employee to give the employer written notice at least 30 days before commencing a period of family leave, medical leave or safe leave. The employer may require the employee to include in the notice an explanation of the need […]
(1) The Director of the Employment Department shall set the weekly benefit amount of family and medical leave insurance benefits that a covered individual qualifies for as follows: (a) If the eligible employee’s average weekly wage is equal to or less than 65 percent of the average weekly wage, the employee’s weekly benefit amount shall […]
(1)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, after returning to work after a period of family leave, medical leave or safe leave, an eligible employee is entitled to be restored to the position of employment held by the employee when the leave commenced, if that position still exists, without regard to whether […]
(1) It is an unlawful employment practice for an employer to: (a) Violate ORS 657B.060. (b) Deny leave or interfere with any other right to which an eligible employee is entitled under this chapter. (c) Retaliate or in any way discriminate against an employee with respect to hire or tenure or any other term or […]
It is unlawful for an employer to willfully make or cause to be made false statements or to willfully fail to report a material fact regarding the claim of an employee of the employer or regarding an employee’s eligibility for benefits under this chapter. [2019 c.700 §29] Note: 657B.080 becomes operative January 1, 2023. See […]
(1) Family and medical leave insurance benefits are not payable to a covered individual unless: (a) The individual submits a claim to the Director of the Employment Department in the manner determined by the director by rule; and (b) The director has made a decision to allow or deny the claim under ORS 657B.100. (2) […]
(1) The Director of the Employment Department shall promptly examine each claim for family and medical leave insurance benefits and, on the basis of the facts available, make a decision to allow or deny the claim. Information furnished in the claim, as prescribed by the director by rule, must be accompanied by a written or […]
(1) The Director of the Employment Department, upon motion of the director or upon application of a covered individual, may at any time reconsider any final decision under this chapter. Reconsideration may occur when there is evidence of: (a) Errors of computation; (b) Clerical errors; (c) Misinformation provided to a party by the Employment Department; […]
(1) An employer may not willfully make or cause to be made false statements or willfully fail to report a material fact regarding the claim of an eligible employee or regarding an employee’s eligibility for family and medical leave insurance benefits under this chapter. (2) The Director of the Employment Department may assess a civil […]