(1) It is an unlawful employment practice for an employer to discriminate against a worker with respect to hire or tenure or any term or condition of employment because the worker has applied for benefits or invoked or utilized the procedures provided for in ORS chapter 656 or has given testimony under the provisions of […]
(1) A worker who has sustained a compensable injury shall be reinstated by the worker’s employer to the worker’s former position of employment upon demand for such reinstatement, if the position exists and is available and the worker is not disabled from performing the duties of such position. A worker’s former position is available even […]
(1) A worker who has sustained a compensable injury and is disabled from performing the duties of the worker’s former regular employment shall, upon demand, be reemployed by the worker’s employer at employment which is available and suitable. (2) A certificate of the worker’s attending physician or a nurse practitioner authorized to provide compensable medical […]
The rights of reinstatement afforded by ORS 659A.043 and 659A.046 shall not be forfeited if the worker refuses to return to the worker’s regular or other offered employment without release to such employment by the worker’s attending physician or a nurse practitioner authorized to provide compensable medical services under ORS 656.245. [Formerly 659.417; 2003 c.811 […]
(1) In addition to the rights provided to injured workers under ORS 659A.043 and 659A.046, if all permanent restrictions of an injured worker are known and: (a) The injured worker was employed at the time of injury by any agency in the legislative department of the government of this state, the injured worker shall have […]
As used in ORS 659A.060 to 659A.069, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) “Group health benefits” means that form of health benefits provided by the State of Oregon to cover groups of employees, with or without one or more members of their families or one or more dependents. The group health benefits which are continued […]
(1) The State of Oregon shall cause group health benefits to continue in effect with respect to that worker and any covered dependents or family members by timely payment of the premium that includes the contribution due from the state under the applicable benefit plan, subject to any premium contribution due from the worker that […]
If the State of Oregon’s obligation to continue paying premiums for health benefits under ORS 659A.063 expires or terminates, the worker may continue coverage by paying the entire premium pursuant to ORS 743B.342. [Formerly 659.460]
It is an unlawful employment practice for the State of Oregon to discriminate against a worker with respect to hire or tenure or any term or condition of employment because the worker has applied for benefits or invoked or utilized the procedures provided for in ORS 659A.060 to 659A.069 or has given testimony under the […]