As used in ORS 672.505 to 672.705, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) “Administrator” means the office as established by ORS 672.505 to 672.705. (2) “Board” means State Board of Geologist Examiners. (3) “Engineering geologist” means a person who applies geologic data, principles and interpretation to naturally occurring materials so that geologic factors affecting planning, […]
ORS 672.505 to 672.705 are enacted in order to introduce qualifying criteria in a presently unregulated professional field. This action is necessary to safeguard the health and welfare and property of the people of Oregon. These safeguards are in the fields of geology as related to engineering, ground water, land use planning, mineral exploration and […]
(1) No person, other than a registered geologist, a registered certified specialty geologist or a subordinate under the direction of either, shall provide or prepare for the public practice of geology any geologic maps, plans, reports, or documents except as specifically exempted in ORS 672.535. (2) No person shall publicly practice or offer to publicly […]
The following persons are exempt from the provisions of ORS 672.505 to 672.705: (1) Persons engaged in teaching and conducting research in the science of geology in an accredited college or university, and students acting under their direction, but who are not engaged in the public practice of geology in this state; (2) Officers and […]
(1) ORS 672.505 to 672.705 do not prohibit one or more geologists from practicing through the medium of a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. In a partnership or corporation whose primary activity consists of geological services, at least one partner or officer shall be a registered geologist. (2) ORS 672.505 to 672.705 do not prevent […]
(1) An application for registration as a geologist shall show the applicant’s education and a detailed summary of the geological work performed by the applicant. (2) To be eligible for a certificate of registration, an applicant shall meet each of the following minimum qualifications: (a) Have either: (A) Graduated from an accredited college or university […]
(1) In addition to registering as a geologist, qualified persons also may be eligible for certification in a specialty. A specialty may be created by the State Board of Geologist Examiners by rule, with the rules to contain any required additional qualifications. Only a registered geologist is eligible for certification in a specialty. Application may […]
The State Board of Geologist Examiners shall determine the scope, form and content of the examinations, provided for under ORS 672.505 to 672.705. [1977 c.612 §9]
(1) The State Board of Geologist Examiners shall issue a certificate of registration to any applicant who: (a) Submits an application to the administrator; (b) Pays the registration fee established under ORS 672.705; and (c) In the opinion of the board, has satisfactorily met all the requirements of ORS 672.505 to 672.705. (2) The issuance […]
(1) The State Board of Geologist Examiners may establish or approve programs of continuing education that contribute to the competency of geologists. The board may charge a fee for the programs of continuing education established by the board. (2) The board may require completion of a program of continuing education established or approved under this […]
A person who holds a certificate of registration to engage in the practice of geology, or a certificate of specialization, issued to the person by a proper authority of a state, territory, or possession of the United States or the District of Columbia having licensing requirements comparable to Oregon, and who, in the opinion of […]
Each registrant, upon issuance of a certificate, shall obtain a seal of the design authorized by the State Board of Geologist Examiners, bearing the registrant’s name and the legend “registered geologist” or “certified specialty geologist.” All drawings, reports or other geologic papers or documents involving geologic work as defined in ORS 672.505 to 672.705 that […]
(1) The State Board of Geologist Examiners shall operate as a semi-independent state agency subject to ORS 182.456 to 182.472 for the purpose of carrying out ORS 672.505 to 672.705. The board shall consist of four geologists and one public member, appointed by the Governor. (2) Each member of the board shall be a citizen […]
(1) The State Board of Geologist Examiners shall keep a public record of its proceedings. (2) All official records of the board, or affidavits by the administrator as to the content of such records, shall be prima facie evidence of all matters required to be kept therein. (3) The administrator shall make available, upon request […]
All appeals from a decision of the State Board of Geologist Examiners, all documents or applications required by law to be filed with the board, and any notice or legal process to be served upon the board shall be filed with or served upon the administrator of the board. [1977 c.612 §15]
The State Board of Geologist Examiners shall cause to be prepared and shall adopt a code of professional conduct which shall be made known in writing to every registrant and applicant for registration under ORS 672.505 to 672.705. A copy of the code shall be provided to each successful applicant at the time of registration […]
Any person may prefer charges of fraud, deceit, negligence, gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct against any registrant. Such charges shall be in writing and shall be sworn to by the person or persons making them and shall be filed with the administrator of the State Board of Geologist Examiners. [1977 c.612 §18; 1995 c.154 §1]
The State Board of Geologist Examiners has the power to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the certificate of registration of any registrant or reprimand any registrant who is found to have been involved in: (1) The practice of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate of registration; (2) Any negligence, gross negligence, incompetence […]
The State Board of Geologist Examiners may reissue a certificate of registration to any person whose certificate has been revoked if the person: (1) Submits a written application to the board showing good cause to justify the reissuance; and (2) Demonstrates compliance with the continuing education requirements established under ORS 672.588. [1977 c.612 §20; 2019 […]
(1) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, a person who violates any provision of ORS 672.515 to 672.705 or any rule adopted thereunder is subject to payment of a civil penalty to the State Board of Geologist Examiners in an amount of not more than $1,000 for each offense. (2) Civil penalties […]