As used in ORS 678.710 to 678.820, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) “Dual facility” means a facility that operates both a hospital and a long term care facility on the same campus. (2) “Nursing home” means any institution or facility defined as a long term care facility for licensing purposes under state statute or […]
(1)(a) Unless an individual holds an active license issued under ORS 678.710 to 678.820, an individual may not: (A) Practice or offer to practice as a nursing home administrator; or (B) Use in connection with the name of the individual the words or letters “nursing home administrator,” “NHA” or any other words, letters or abbreviations […]
(1)(a) Unless state or federal laws relating to confidentiality or the protection of health information prohibit disclosure, any health care facility licensed under ORS 441.015, any licensee licensed by the Health Licensing Office, any physician licensed by the Oregon Medical Board, any naturopathic physician licensed by the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine, any licensed professional […]
(1) An individual qualifies for licensure as a nursing home administrator if the individual: (a) Has a baccalaureate degree from an accredited school of higher education; (b) Has passed an examination as provided in ORS 678.740; and (c) Has completed training requirements established by the Long Term Care Administrators Board by rule. (2) The requirement […]
(1) The Health Licensing Office may issue a residential care facility administrator license to an applicant who: (a) Is at least 21 years of age; (b) Has earned at least a high school diploma or its equivalent, as indicated by evidence of the following, in a form deemed sufficient by the office: (A) Completion of […]
(1) Examinations for licensure as a nursing home administrator shall be conducted at such times and places as the Long Term Care Administrators Board designates, but not less than once a year. (2) At the time of taking an examination for licensure as a nursing home administrator, an applicant shall pay an examination or reexamination […]
(1) The Long Term Care Administrators Board shall: (a) Approve at least one examination for licensure as a residential care facility administrator; and (b) Ensure that the examinations are easily and frequently accessible to applicants. (2) An applicant for licensure under ORS 678.733 shall pay an examination or reexamination fee established by the Health Licensing […]
The Health Licensing Office shall adopt rules to: (1) Approve training and continuing education for residential care facility administrators; and (2) Establish continuing education requirements for residential care facility administrators, including that a residential care facility administrator complete at least 20 hours each year of approved continuing education. [2018 c.61 §4]
(1) Nothing in ORS 678.710 to 678.820 or the rules adopted under ORS 678.710 to 678.820 may be construed to require an individual, who is employed to administer an institution exempted under ORS 441.065 as an institution that is operated by and for persons who rely on spiritual means alone for the care and treatment […]
(1) The Long Term Care Administrators Board may establish by rule standards for the issuance of a nursing home administrator or residential care facility administrator license by endorsement to an applicant who: (a) Meets the requirements as established by the board; and (b) On the date of making application, is a nursing home administrator or […]
(1) In the manner prescribed in ORS chapter 183 for contested cases, the Health Licensing Office may impose a form of discipline as specified in ORS 676.612 against any person practicing as a nursing home administrator for any of the grounds listed in ORS 676.612 and for any violation of the provisions of ORS 678.710 […]
(1) When the Health Licensing Office proposes to refuse to issue or renew a license, or proposes to revoke or suspend a license under ORS 678.710 to 678.820, opportunity for hearing shall be accorded as provided in ORS chapter 183. (2) Judicial review of orders under subsection (1) of this section shall be in accordance […]
The Long Term Care Administrators Board may not carry out a disciplinary action against an individual who holds a license under ORS 678.710 to 678.820 unless at least one board member who represents the type of license held by the individual attends all board meetings related to the disciplinary action. [2018 c.61 §12] Note: 678.793 […]
(1) The Long Term Care Administrators Board is established within the Health Licensing Office. (2) The board consists of nine members appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation by the Senate in the manner provided in ORS 171.562 and 171.565. All members of the board must be concerned with the care and treatment of […]
(1) The Long Term Care Administrators Board shall meet at least once each year. A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. (2) The board shall select one of its members as chairperson and another as vice chairperson, for a one-year term and with the duties and […]
(1) The Long Term Care Administrators Board is responsible for advising the Health Licensing Office in all matters relating to the administration of ORS 678.710 to 678.820, including: (a) Developing standards for education and training; (b) Developing standards of practice and professional conduct; (c) Establishing standards related to the issuance, denial, revocation, suspension or renewal […]