As used in ORS 697.500 to 697.555: (1)(a) “Check-cashing business” means a person that conducts a business that for a fee, service charge or other consideration provides money, credit or any other thing of value in exchange for payment instruments. (b) “Check-cashing business” does not include a financial institution as defined in ORS 706.008 or […]
(1) ORS 697.510, 697.512, 697.514 and 697.540 do not apply to a person licensed under ORS 717.200 to 717.320. (2) ORS 697.510, 697.512, 697.514, 697.528 and 697.540 do not apply to a person engaged in the bona fide retail sale of goods or services and not purporting to be a check-cashing business that, as an […]
Except as provided in ORS 697.502, a person may not conduct, purport to conduct or advertise that the person conducts a check-cashing business without first obtaining a license under ORS 697.514. [2007 c.358 §3]
(1)(a) An applicant for a license to conduct a check-cashing business shall apply in writing on a form and in a format that the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services prescribes by rule. (b) The director, consistent with the requirements of ORS 697.500 to 697.555, may administer a program to issue and […]
(1) Each person who submits an application under ORS 697.510 shall at the same time pay a nonrefundable application fee and a nonrefundable investigation fee to the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services in amounts the director prescribes by rule. If the director approves the application and issues a license under ORS […]
(1) After an applicant has submitted a complete application, the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services shall review the application and may investigate the applicant’s financial condition and responsibility, financial and business experience, character and general fitness to conduct a check-cashing business. The director may also determine if the applicant has complied […]
(1) A check-cashing business may not charge or collect, directly or indirectly, an excessive fee, service charge or other consideration for cashing a payment instrument. A fee, service charge or other consideration is excessive if the total amount charged is more than the following amounts: (a) For a payment instrument issued by the federal government […]
A check-cashing business shall provide a receipt to the individual for whom the business cashes a payment instrument. The receipt must display at least: (1) The name, assumed business name or trade name of the check-cashing business; (2) The transaction date; (3) The face amount of the payment instrument; and (4) The fee charged or […]
A check-cashing business shall: (1) Endorse in the name of the business all payment instruments for which the business provided money, credit or any other thing of value; and (2) Deposit or present for payment each such payment instrument not later than one business day following the date of the transaction. [2007 c.358 §9]
A check-cashing business shall conspicuously post and at all times display in each business location a notice that states the fees, services charges or other consideration that the business charges for cashing payment instruments. A licensee shall also file with the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services a copy of the notice […]
(1) A check-cashing business shall make, keep and maintain all records used in providing money, credit or any other thing of value in exchange for payment instruments that the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may reasonably require. The check-cashing business shall keep and maintain the records that the director requires under […]
A check-cashing business may not: (1) Publish, disseminate or cause to be published or disseminated a communication that contains a false, misleading or deceptive statement or representation. (2) Conduct business at premises or locations other than locations licensed by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services. (3) Engage in unfair, deceptive or […]
(1) The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may by order suspend or revoke any license issued under ORS 697.514 if the director finds that any of the following circumstances are true: (a) The licensee has violated a provision of ORS 697.500 to 697.555 or of a rule or order the director […]
The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may: (1) Make such investigations as the director deems necessary to determine whether a person has violated, is violating or is preparing to violate ORS 697.500 to 697.555 or a rule or order adopted or issued under ORS 697.500 to 697.555. (2) Require a person […]
The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may adopt rules for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of ORS 697.500 to 697.555. [2007 c.358 §16]
(1) If the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services finds that a person has violated a provision of ORS 697.500 to 697.555 or any rules adopted under ORS 697.500 to 697.555, the director may impose in the manner provided in ORS 183.745 a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000 […]