As used in ORS 698.640 and 698.650: (1) “Auction” or “auction sale” means a sale of or an offer to sell real or personal property to the highest bidder. (2) “Auctioneer” means a person who sells or offers to sell property at auction, either on the person’s own behalf or for another person. (3) “Auction […]
(1) Except as provided in ORS 698.650: (a) This section establishes requirements for auction sales, consignment sales, auctioneers, consignees and auction marts. (b) A person who violates a requirement under this section commits an unlawful practice as described in ORS 646.608 (1)(v) that is subject to enforcement and penalty as provided under ORS 336.184 and […]
ORS 698.640 does not apply to: (1) An auction, auctioneer or auction mart regulated under ORS chapter 599. (2) The sale of timber at an auction or auction mart or by an auctioneer. In addition, the sale of timber at auction is with reserve unless the timber is in explicit terms put up without reserve. […]
[Subsection (3) of 1965 Replacement Part enacted as 1955 c.659 §8; subsection (2) enacted as part of 1957 c.722 §19; 1967 c.344 §9; 1975 c.453 §3; repealed by 1977 c.842 §5]