The department of environment and conservation shall be under the charge and general supervision of the commissioner of environment and conservation, who shall have the same official status as other commissioners. The commissioner is authorized to establish divisions, bureaus or other organizational units necessary to carry out the duties imposed upon the commissioner and the […]
All records, equipment and properties of the division of geology and the former Tennessee state park and forestry commission shall be kept in the department of environment and conservation. All records, equipment and properties of the division of forestry shall be kept in the department of agriculture. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the following […]
The several divisions located within the department of environment and conservation shall cooperate with the state wildlife resources agency, and the employees of the divisions shall lend whatever assistance is necessary to carry out the game and fish laws. Likewise, the employees of the state wildlife resources agency shall cooperate with the other divisions in […]
No member, employee or officer of the department of environment and conservation shall use such member’s, employee’s or officer’s official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with an election or affecting the results thereof, or for the purpose of coercing the political action of any person or body. Failure to comply with the […]
The department of environment and conservation has the full power to acquire by gift, devise or purchase, or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, areas, properties, lands, or any estate or interest therein, of scenic beauty, material or recreational utility, historic interest, remarkable phenomena or any other unusual features which in the […]
The department is empowered to receive by bequest, gift, or otherwise, money or other personal property for park purposes, to be held and used under § 11-1-105.
In the event any property at any time acquired lies in the designated area of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, the department is empowered to convey same to the federal government as a part of the national park. Any money so received shall be deposited with the state treasurer to the credit of the […]
The department shall make a careful study of lands in the state suitable for park purposes and shall formulate and adopt a system for the proper development, preservation, and administration thereof. The department has the power to make rules and regulations and to promulgate the same for the management and control of this property for […]
Any violation of rules and regulations for the care and management of such properties as may be made under the authority of § 11-1-108 is a Class C misdemeanor. In addition to the criminal penalty in subsection (a), the general assembly finds that it is appropriate that there be civil sanctions as well. Any person […]
There is hereby created in the department of environment and conservation a division to be known as the “division of educational service.” The head of the division shall be a director appointed by the commissioner of environment and conservation. It is the duty of the division to promote education in regard to all conservation matters […]
The commissioner of environment and conservation is hereby authorized and empowered to use such part of the commissioner’s appropriation for the commissioner’s central office as the commissioner may deem appropriate in connection with the division of educational service.
In order to provide park facilities for the department and to enable the construction and financing thereof on lands owned by the state or by an industrial development corporation which has been created under title 7, chapter 53, but for no other purpose unless authorized by law, the commissioner, with the approval of the state […]
Subject to the approval of the state building commission, the commissioner of environment and conservation is hereby authorized to make grants, as funds are available, to any municipality, county, town or city, utility district, public utility, or any authority, corporation, association or other organization which provides utility services, in order to assist in providing utility […]
The commissioner of environment and conservation has the authority to enter into agreements with any not-for-profit corporation chartered under the laws of this state, such agreements being for the purpose of planning, providing, maintaining, and/or administering recreational and natural areas and facilities for the use by the general public. Such authority includes the power to […]
The commissioner of environment and conservation is authorized to contract with the Cloverbottom Association, subject to the approval of the state building commission, for its assistance in the renovation, repair, maintenance, operation and preservation of the Cloverbottom Mansion located in Davidson County. This section shall not be construed to be an appropriation of funds and […]
It is the policy of the general assembly that young persons should assist in the preservation of state parks and recreation areas. The commissioner of environment and conservation is encouraged to employ persons under nineteen (19) years of age to work in state parks and recreation areas. These persons should be employed in nonhazardous duties […]
The commissioner may initiate proceedings in the chancery court of Davidson County or the county in which the activities occurred against any person who is alleged to have violated or is about to violate this part or the rules promulgated under this part. In the action, the commissioner may seek, and the court may grant, […]