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§ 11-3-101. “Park” Defined

For the purposes of the department of environment and conservation, “park” means and includes any and all areas of land heretofore or hereafter acquired by the state, which by reason of having natural and historic features, scenic beauty or location, possess natural or potential physical, aesthetic, scientific, creative, social or other recreational values, and are […]

§ 11-3-102. Preservation in Natural Condition

Every park under this part shall be preserved in a natural condition so far as may be consistent with its human use and safety, and all improvements shall be of such character as not to lessen its inherent recreational value.

§ 11-3-103. Classification and Designation of Areas — Administration of State Park System — Division of Parks and Recreation

All parks, monuments and other areas used primarily for recreational purposes shall be properly classified under the supervision of the department of environment and conservation, and the department shall, upon approval of the classification, designate the areas comprising the state park system, the state park system to be administered through a division of parks and […]

§ 11-3-104. Cooperation for Park Purposes

The state, counties, municipalities, and all political subdivisions of Tennessee are empowered to cooperate with each other, and with other states, and with the United States government, or any agency thereof, in planning, establishing, improving, or maintaining any park or other recreational area or monument.

§ 11-3-105. Eminent Domain

In the acquisition of sites or boundaries of land for parks to be used for any one (1) or more of the purposes recited in this part, the state is authorized to exercise the power of eminent domain when the governor so orders.

§ 11-3-106. Expenditures by Political Subdivisions

Every county, municipality, and other political subdivision of this state is empowered to expend money from available sources to aid in the purchase of areas within the county, municipality or political subdivision for park purposes within the meaning of this part, the park to become the property of the state, to be improved, cared for […]

§ 11-3-108. Authority to Sell Surplus Park Land — Authorization

The department of environment and conservation is authorized to sell certain tracts of land which are surplus to the needs and benefit of the state of Tennessee, and now being used for state park purposes. The land shall be sold only upon authorization of the national park service, department of interior, and under such terms […]

§ 11-3-109. Execution of Deed — Approval

Upon receipt of such authorization and terms and conditions from the national park service, the commissioner of environment and conservation is hereby authorized to execute a deed on behalf of the state of Tennessee, transferring and conveying whatever interest the state of Tennessee might have in the tract of land. The deed of conveyance shall […]

§ 11-3-110. Use of Proceeds of Sale

All funds received from any of such sales of land shall be invested in capital improvements in that particular state park from which the sale was made.

§ 11-3-112. Purchasing Authority

Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the commissioner of environment and conservation has the authority to cause to be purchased and to develop the method for purchasing, without the approval of any other agency of state government, services, raw materials, merchandise for resale, supplies and equipment necessary for provision of quality services for state park […]

§ 11-3-113. Reimbursement of Green Fees From Certain Agencies

If the golf course is located in a state park, but operated by a municipal or county government agency under contract with the department of environment and conservation, the department shall reimburse the operating agency for any green fees waived under [former] § 11-3-112 [repealed] and this section.

§ 11-3-114. Clear-Cutting

The commissioner of environment and conservation shall prohibit the forestry practice of clear-cutting in all state parks. The department of environment and conservation shall not conduct clear-cutting operations in such parks, nor permit any other person or lessee to conduct clear-cutting operations in such parks. Notwithstanding subsection (a), clear-cutting may be permitted in state parks […]

§ 11-3-121. Rate Discounts

The commissioner shall offer discounted rates for activities at the state parks to senior citizens, disabled persons, state employees, members of the Tennessee national guard, and any other group that the commissioner deems appropriate for such treatment. The specific activities where these discounts would apply as well as the timing and amount will be left […]

§ 11-3-122. Driving a Golf Cart Within State Park

In state parks, a golf cart, as defined by § 55-1-123, may only be driven on golf courses in accordance with state park rules and policies and on the paved roads within the campgrounds, subject to regulation by state parks to protect public safety. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the department of environment and […]

§ 11-3-123. Manner of Maintenance — Easy Access

The department of environment and conservation is encouraged to maintain the state park system in a manner that is conducive to use by all persons and that provides such persons with easy access to all public areas within the parks.