The officer of elections is in charge of and responsible for the conduct of all the elections being held at the polling place where such officer is the officer of elections. The officer is subject to the direction of the county election commission in the performance of such duties. The officer of elections shall: Maintain […]
During the time for voting, the judges shall distribute paper ballots, decide challenges to voters, serve in place of other election officials as directed by the officer of elections, and assist the officer of elections in such ways as the officer may direct.
No person may be admitted to a polling place while the procedures required by this chapter are being carried out except election officials, voters, persons properly assisting voters, the press, poll watchers appointed under § 2-7-104 and others bearing written authorization from the county election commission. Candidates may be present after the polls close. No […]
Each political party and any organization of citizens interested in a question on the ballot or interested in preserving the purity of elections and in guarding against abuse of the elective franchise may appoint poll watchers. The county election commission may require organizations to produce evidence that they are entitled to appoint watchers. Each candidate […]
The election officials of each polling place shall meet at the polling place at least one-half (½) hour before the time for opening the polls for the election. If any election official fails to appear at the polling place, the officer of elections or, in such officer’s absence, a majority of the election officials attending […]
If the county election commission receives notice that no election officials are at the polling place, the commission shall promptly appoint new officials who shall conduct the election. Until the polling place is open for voting, any voter who is eligible to vote there may vote at the county election commission office; ballots cast under […]
The officer of elections shall deliver to the polling place on the day of the election the duplicate permanent registration records, paper ballots, sample ballots, voting machine keys, ballot boxes and keys, and all other supplies needed for the conduct of the election.
If the ballots for a polling place are lost, stolen, destroyed, not delivered to the polling place or the supply of paper ballots is insufficient for any reason, the officer of elections shall notify the county election commission immediately after learning of this fact. The commission shall provide replacements for the missing or destroyed ballots […]
The officer of elections shall show the ballot box to the judges who shall verify that it is empty, and the officer shall then lock the ballot box before the polling place is open for voting. The ballot box shall remain locked until the votes are to be counted after voting has ended.
The officer shall give the sealed voting machine keys to the judges to prepare the machines for voting. The envelope containing the keys may not be opened until the judges have examined it to see that it has not been opened and that the number registered on the protective counter and the number on the […]
The officer of elections shall have the sample ballots, voting instructions, and other materials, which are to be posted, placed in conspicuous positions inside the polling place for the use of voters. The county election commission shall designate entrances to the building in which the election is to be held that are for the use […]
A voter shall complete and sign an application for ballot, indicate the primary in which the voter desires to vote, if any, and present it to a precinct registrar. In addition, the voter shall present to the precinct registrar one (1) form of identification that bears the name and photograph of the voter. The requirement […]
When the voter is to vote by voting machine, the voter shall then present the ballot application to the machine operator, enter the machine, and vote by marking the ballot and operating the machine. The machine operator shall file the ballot applications in order of presentation and shall permit the voter to operate the machine […]
When the voter is to vote by paper ballot, the voter shall then present the ballot application to the judge who is in charge of paper ballots. The judge shall write the ballot number of each ballot the voter is entitled to on the ballot application, give the ballot or ballots to the voter, and […]
A voter may vote only in the precinct where the voter resides and is registered, but if a registered voter has, at any time prior to voting, changed residence to another place inside the county, the voter must vote pursuant to the provisions of § 2-7-140. If a registered voter has, within ninety (90) days […]
A voter who claims, by reason of illiteracy or physical disability other than blindness, to be unable to mark the ballot to vote as the voter wishes and who, in the judgment of the officer of elections, is so disabled or illiterate, may: Where voting machines are used, have the ballot marked on a voting […]
Where voting machines are used, any voter desiring to cast a ballot for a candidate whose name is not on the voting machine ballot may request a paper ballot to be furnished by the ballot judge. This request must be made before operating a voting machine, and a voter after receiving a paper ballot may […]
No voter who is voting without assistance may remain in a voting machine booth or occupy a voting compartment for more than five (5) minutes if other voters are waiting or more than ten (10) minutes in any event. If a voter refuses to leave after such time elapses, the officer of elections shall have […]
If a voting machine being used in an election becomes out of order, it shall be repaired if possible or another machine substituted as promptly as possible. If repair or substitution cannot be made and other machines at the polling place cannot handle the voters, the paper ballots provided for the polling place shall be […]
If any voter spoils a paper ballot, the voter may obtain others, one (1) at a time, not exceeding three (3) in all, upon returning each spoiled one. The spoiled ballots shall be placed in an envelope marked “Spoiled Ballots.”