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Home » US Law » 2021 Tennessee Code » Title 2 - Elections » Chapter 7 - Procedure at the Polling Place

§ 2-7-121. Rejected Ballots

No person may take any ballot from the polling place before the close of the polls. If a voter refuses to give the paper ballot to the judge to be deposited in the ballot box after marking it, the officer of elections shall require that the ballot be surrendered to the officer and shall deposit […]

§ 2-7-122. Management of Machine During Voting

The voting machine operator shall inspect the face of the machine after every voter has voted to ascertain that the ballot labels are in their proper places and that the machine has not been injured or tampered with. The operator shall remove any campaign literature left in the machine booth. During the election the door […]

§ 2-7-123. Challenges to Right to Vote — Oath of Challenged Voter

If any person’s right to vote is challenged by any other person present at the polling place, the judges shall present the challenge to the person and decide the challenge after administering the following oath to the challenged voter: “I swear (affirm) that I will give true answers to questions asked about my right to […]

§ 2-7-124. Challenges — Grounds and Procedure

A person offering to vote may be challenged only on the grounds that the person: Is not a registered voter in Tennessee and did not vote a provisional ballot; Is not a resident of the precinct where the person seeks to vote; Is not the registered voter under whose name the person has applied to […]

§ 2-7-125. Challenged Voter — Voting Procedure

If the judges determine unanimously that the person is not entitled to vote, the person shall vote by paper ballot and the person’s ballot shall be deposited in a sealed envelope marked “Rejected” with the person’s name, the reason for rejection, and the signatures of the judges written on it. If the judges do not […]

§ 2-7-126. Challenge on Ground of Party Membership

A person offering to vote in a primary may also be challenged on the ground that the person is not qualified under § 2-7-115(b). Such a challenge shall be disposed of under the procedure of §§ 2-7-123 — 2-7-125 by the judge or judges and the other election officials of the party in whose primary […]

§ 2-7-127. Closing of the Polling Place

At the time set for the closing of the polling place, the officer of elections shall place one (1) of the election officials at the end of the line of persons waiting to vote. No other person may then get in line to vote. The polls shall be closed as soon as all persons in […]

§ 2-7-128. Duties After Closing the Polls

The registrars shall, immediately after the polls close, cross (X) out the remaining space on incomplete poll list sheets so that no additional names can be written in and shall number those sheets serially and place them in the poll book binders.

§ 2-7-129. Unused Paper Ballots — Disposal

Immediately after the polls close and before any ballot box or voting machine is opened to count votes, the judges shall tear all unused paper ballots in half without tearing off the numbered stubs. The portion without the stubs may then be discarded, and the portion with the stubs shall be preserved.

§ 2-7-131. Counting of Ballots

After the requirements of § 2-7-130 have been met or, where voting machines are not used, after the polling place closes, the judges shall open the ballot box in the polling place in the presence of the watchers and all other persons who are present. The judges shall alternate in drawing ballots from the box […]

§ 2-7-133. Ballots Which May Be Counted

Only ballots provided in accordance with this title may be counted. The judges shall write “Void” on others and sign them. If the voter marks more names than there are persons to be elected to an office, or if for any reason it is impossible to determine the voter’s choice for any office to be […]

§ 2-7-134. Return of Keys at Close of Election

After the tally sheets have been certified, the judges shall close and lock the voting machines and enclose the keys for each voting machine in a separate sealed envelope on which they shall certify the number of the machine, the polling place where it has been used, the number on the seal, and the numbers […]

§ 2-7-135. Lists of Election Officials Prepared by Officer of Elections

The officer of elections shall prepare and certify to the county election commission a list of all election officials who served at the polling place and their official positions. The list shall be signed by each official. The officer of elections shall certify to the county election commission the names of those persons appointed as […]

§ 2-7-139. Removal of Supplies From Polling Place Prohibited

No election supplies, ballots or equipment may be removed from a polling place from the opening of the polls until the requirements of § 2-7-137 have been met except that items which have been delivered to the wrong polling place may be transferred to the correct one.

§ 2-7-140. Procedures for Certain Inactive Voters

Voters whose registration is in inactive status because of a failure to respond to a confirmation notice described in § 2-2-106(c) and voters who have changed their address of residence to a new address within the county of registration shall be required to vote under the procedures of this section. An inactive voter who has […]