There is created a state textbook and instructional materials quality commission composed of ten (10) members, nine (9) of whom shall be appointed as follows: The speaker of the senate shall appoint a: Director of schools; and Teacher or instructional supervisor in the intermediate grades, grades four through eight (4-8); The speaker of the house […]
It is the duty of the commission to prepare a list of standard editions of textbooks and instructional materials that cover a complete program of study for approval by the state board of education for use in the public schools of the state. The commission shall prepare a list of at least four (4) books […]
The commission may promulgate rules establishing minimum manufacturing standards and specifications for textbooks and instructional materials and establishing the conditions under which it contracts with publishers. The commission may make contracts with the publishers for a period of no less than thirty-six (36) months nor more than seventy-three (73) months. The commission may extend any […]
The commission has full authority to make regulations governing distribution of all textbooks and instructional materials under contract.
In the event that any bidder fails to execute the contract and bond as required under this part, in the event any contractor fails to carry out the contract, in the event all bids are unsatisfactory or in the event of the invalidation of any adoption, the state textbook and instructional materials quality commission is […]
No teacher or principal in any of the public schools of this state shall use or permit to be used in the person’s school any textbooks and instructional materials upon any subject to the exclusion of the textbooks and instructional materials listed by the commission; provided, that this does not apply to textbooks and instructional […]
The local boards of education are authorized and required to adopt textbooks and instructional materials to be used in the public schools of their school districts, from the list of textbooks and instructional materials listed for adoption by the commission, the adoption to be for a period of no less than three (3) years, but […]
When textbooks and instructional materials are replaced or otherwise become unusable, they may be declared surplus property by the local board or director of schools, and may be disposed of by any of the methods provided by § 12-2-403(a)(1)-(4) or by other methods approved by the local board of education. The proceeds from disposals shall […]
Nothing in this part shall be construed as cancelling or in any manner modifying any existing contract with a publisher, or changing the period covered by such contract.
Every student shall be permitted to take any textbook or instructional materials specifically issued to the student home for the purpose of studying the textbook or instructional materials. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a school or teacher from requiring a student to return the textbook or instructional materials to the classroom […]
The commission shall maintain independence from the department of education. The department’s role in the textbook adoption process is strictly limited. The department shall not perform any duties as part of the textbook adoption process other than the duties specifically assigned to the department in §§ 49-6-2201 — 49-6-2203.