Any principal, principal-teacher or assistant principal of any public school in this state is authorized to suspend a pupil from attendance at the school, including its sponsored activities, or from riding a school bus, for good and sufficient reasons. Good and sufficient reasons for suspension include, but are not limited to: Willful and persistent violation […]
Local boards of education may establish alternative schools for students in grades one through six (1-6) who have been suspended or expelled from the regular school program. At least one (1) alternative school or alternative program shall be established and available for students in grades seven through twelve (7-12) who have been suspended or expelled […]
There is established an advisory council for alternative education that shall advise, assist and consult with the governor, the commissioner of education and the state board of education. The advisory council shall be composed of a maximum of ten (10) members, including parents of children attending alternative schools or who have attended alternative schools, teachers […]
Each LEA shall track the operation and performance of alternative school programs operated by the LEA or contractually operated for the LEA. LEAs shall measure and report to the department of education alternative school success through academic indicators and behavior indicators. Academic indicators shall include, but not be limited to, grade point averages or other […]