The board of regents and each state university board shall promulgate a tenure policy or policies for faculty at their respective institutions, which policy or policies shall ensure academic freedom and provide sufficient professional security to attract the best qualified faculty available for the institutions. Pursuant to this part, the board shall: Define the nature […]
“Adequate cause” for termination of faculty with tenure includes the following: Incompetence or dishonesty in teaching or research; Willful failure to perform the duties and responsibilities for which the faculty member was employed or refusal or continued failure to comply with the policies of the board, institution or department or to carry out specific assignments, […]
The board of regents and each state university board shall develop procedures for the termination of faculty with tenure for adequate cause by the institutions following a hearing that ensures due process, which procedures shall include the following minimum requirements: The faculty member shall be notified of the specific charges in writing, and shall be […]
A faculty member who has been awarded tenure and who has been dismissed or suspended for cause may obtain de novo judicial review of the final decision by filing a petition in a chancery court having jurisdiction within thirty (30) days of the final decision and copies of the petition shall be served upon the […]