The board of trustees is authorized to: Take all steps necessary for the creation of a private nonprofit corporation under the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporation Act, compiled in title 48, Chapters 51 68, for the purpose of operating the University of Tennessee Memorial Research Center and Hospital. Except as provided in subdivision (b)(2), the corporation shall […]
All meetings of the board of trustees concerning actions authorized by this part shall be conducted as public meetings in accordance with title 8, chapter 44, part 1.
The University of Tennessee Memorial Research Center and Hospital and its successors shall remain committed to serving the hospital’s traditional patients and the health care needs of the City of Knoxville, Knox County and the surrounding region.
In carrying out any transfer of the University of Tennessee Memorial Research Center and Hospital under this part, the board of trustees shall make reasonable efforts to provide for the transition of employees from state to nonstate employment in an orderly and equitable manner. With respect to employees previously employed by the University of Tennessee […]
At least sixty (60) days prior to any transfer of assets under this part, the board of trustees shall notify the attorney general and reporter, the state building commission and the majority and minority leaders of both houses of the general assembly. In deciding whether to approve a transfer of assets under this part, the […]
Nothing contained in this part shall be deemed or construed to waive or abrogate in any way the sovereign immunity of the state, the university or any officer or employee of the state or the university.
This part shall constitute full and complete authority, without regard to any other law, for the doing of the acts and things authorized in this part and shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes of this part. Insofar as this part is inconsistent with any other law, general, specific or local, this part shall […]
No member of the board of trustees of the University of Tennessee Memorial Research Center and Hospital or the trustees’ immediate family shall derive any financial benefit from the transfer of the hospital to a nonprofit corporation as authorized by this part.
No expenditure of public funds pursuant to this part shall be made in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d).