Every resident, except as otherwise provided, shall pay in accordance with the following fee schedule for the privilege of hunting, sport fishing, or trapping; provided, that no license shall be required for trapping beaver: Basic licenses: Combination hunting and fishing $20.00 Junior hunting, fishing and trapping 7.00 Trapping 17.00 One (1) day fishing 2.00 County […]
Every nonresident shall pay, in accordance with the following fee schedule, for the privilege of hunting, sport fishing, or trapping: Nonresident annual hunting, sport fishing and trapping: Hunting: Small game and waterfowl $ 55.00 All game 155.00 Fishing, except trout 25.00 Fishing, all species 50.00 Trapping 250.00 Junior hunting and fishing 5.00 No license is […]
A resident of Tennessee may fish in the waters of such person’s county of legal residence by use of a hook and line or a single trotline with not more than fifty (50) hooks, and natural or cut bait if such person possesses a county of residence fishing license. Additionally, possession of this license permits […]
The owners and tenants of farmlands, and their spouses and children, have the right to engage in the sport of hunting and fishing, subject to all laws or regulations concerning wildlife, upon such lands and waters on the land of which they or their spouses or parents are the bona fide owners or tenants, with […]
Any person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the business of a commercial fisher or commercial musseler, as defined under subsection (b), shall have in possession the requisite license prescribed in this section. A “commercial fisher” is any person who takes or who aids and assists another person in taking fish or other aquatic life […]
Before any person, firm or corporation engages in the business of a wholesale fish dealer or a wholesale mussel dealer, as defined in this subsection (a), such person, firm or corporation shall possess the appropriate license. “Person” includes the plural as well as the singular, as the case demands, and includes individuals, partnerships, associations, or […]
A fur dealer is any person who, either directly or through another person, engages in the business of buying and selling the pelts or hides of fur-bearing mammals from hunters, trappers, or other fur dealers. The license fee for a resident or a nonresident fur dealer shall be one hundred dollars ($100). Any person, before […]
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to purchase, receive for sale or have in its possession for commercial purposes any green hides, raw furs or pelts of wild animals without first procuring a license, except as provided in § 70-2-208. Any violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
The executive director has the power, at the executive director’s discretion, to grant permission, under the executive director’s seal, to any reliable person to take, capture and transport in Tennessee, wild birds, and nests and eggs of wild birds, and wild animals and fish, when taken and used for purely scientific purposes. The permit so […]
Any resident or nonresident who trains hunting dogs in this state shall purchase the appropriate hunting license, except when such person is competing in recognized field trials. Raccoon dog field trials, retriever dog field trials, bird dog field trials, rabbit dog field trials, and foxhound field trials will be permitted only under rules and regulations […]
Any person, before engaging in the practice of taxidermy, which includes the stuffing, mounting, and preparing of the skins of wild birds, animals, and fish for sale or for hire, must first obtain a permit to do so from the executive director. The executive director shall collect a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each […]
Any person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the business of culturing pearls in the public waters, shall first obtain an annual license from the wildlife resources agency. No nonresident shall be granted a license if the state or country of the nonresident prohibits residents of Tennessee from engaging in the business of culturing pearls. […]
Any person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the businesses described in this section, must purchase a fish dealer’s license: A “bait dealer” engages in the business of capturing legal species of fish or other aquatic life for the purpose of sale or the selling of legal species of fish and other aquatic life for […]
Any person, firm or corporation that purchases or otherwise obtains freshwater mussels taken from Tennessee waters shall pay to the Tennessee wildlife resources agency the amount equal to $0.0145 per pound of mussel shells or $0.0124 per pound of mussels, shell with meat, purchased or obtained. The payment to the agency shall be calculated from […]
To enhance and protect the state’s mussel industry, the governor is authorized to appoint a five-member group of mussel industry representatives to advise the fish and wildlife commission and the various agencies of state government on pertinent matters relating to policy development and enforcement. The terms of such members shall run concurrently with the term […]
The fish and wildlife commission is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations establishing procedures and guidelines for the operation of wildlife resources agency sport firing ranges and establishing fees for use by the general public. The wildlife resources agency is authorized to contract for the operation and maintenance of the facilities. Moneys derived from the […]
The commission is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations establishing permit fees for camping and other recreational activities on public lands under the agency’s management or control and on agency lakes.
Notwithstanding § 70-2-225 or any other provision of this title to the contrary, persons residing either within the boundaries of the Sundquist wildlife management area or on property physically contiguous to such area on July 1, 2004, shall be issued a user permit by the Tennessee wildlife resources agency (TWRA) for horseback riding, bicycling, and […]