The purpose of AS 23.15.220 – 23.15.320 is to create a State Vocational Rehabilitation Committee for Alaska to carry on a continuing program to promote the employment of people of the state with disabilities by creating statewide interest in the rehabilitation and employment of people with disabilities, and by obtaining and maintaining cooperation with public […]
The governor shall appoint the members of the State Vocational Rehabilitation Committee for staggered terms not exceeding three years. The composition of the committee must be consistent with the requirements of 29 U.S.C. 725 and 3003, as amended. A member may be reappointed, and a vacancy shall be filled by the governor.
The members of the committee shall select a chair from among the voting members of the committee, subject to disapproval by the governor. The chair serves for one year or until a successor is selected.
Members of the committee may receive no compensation for services on the committee but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses in accordance with existing law.
The committee shall meet four times a year, but, at the request of the governor, special meetings may be called. Meetings may be conducted telephonically.
The committee shall work in close cooperation with local committees and with the President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities to carry out the purpose of AS 23.15.220 – 23.15.320 more effectively, and with state and federal agencies having responsibilities for employment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities.
The division of vocational rehabilitation, the State Employment Service, the Department of Health, and other state agencies that the committee names shall each designate a staff member who shall meet with the committee and act in an advisory capacity. The federal Veterans Employment Service and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs shall each be […]
Each year the governor shall issue a proclamation designating the first full week in October as Alaska Employ People with Disabilities Week. During this week, appropriate ceremonies shall be held throughout the state for the purpose of enlisting public support for, and interest in the employment of, people with disabilities. The mayors of cities, and […]
Funds to carry out AS 23.15.220 – 23.15.320 shall be appropriated, expended, and accounted for through the same procedures as funds for operation of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
The committee may accept property by gift, devise, bequest, or otherwise to carry out the purposes of AS 23.15.220 – 23.15.320.
(a) The committee may charge a fee for attendance at a conference, workshop, or similar event conducted by the committee, based on the estimated cost to the committee of organizing and holding the event. (b) The receipt and expenditure by the committee of fees authorized by this section is subject to AS 23.15.300.
The committee shall annually report its activities during the preceding year to the governor.