(a) The weekly rate of compensation for disability or death may not exceed the maximum compensation rate, may not be less than 22 percent of the maximum compensation rate, and initially may not be less than $110. However, if the board determines that the employee’s spendable weekly wages are less than $110 a week as […]
(a) In case of total disability adjudged to be permanent 80 percent of the injured employee’s spendable weekly wages shall be paid to the employee during the continuance of the total disability. If a permanent partial disability award has been made before a permanent total disability determination, permanent total disability benefits must be reduced by […]
In case of disability total in character but temporary in quality, 80 percent of the injured employee’s spendable weekly wages shall be paid to the employee during the continuance of the disability. Temporary total disability benefits may not be paid for any period of disability occurring after the date of medical stability.
Compensation is not payable to an employee under AS 23.30.180 or 23.30.185 for a week in which the employee receives unemployment benefits.
(a) In case of impairment partial in character but permanent in quality, and not resulting in permanent total disability, the compensation is $273,000 multiplied by the employee’s percentage of permanent impairment of the whole person. The percentage of permanent impairment of the whole person is the percentage of impairment to the particular body part, system, […]
(a) Compensation to which any claimant would be entitled under AS 23.30.190 shall, notwithstanding death arising from causes other than the injury, be payable to and for the benefit of the persons following: (1) if there be a widow or widower and no child of the deceased, to the widow or widower; (2) if there […]
(a) In case of temporary partial disability resulting in decrease of earning capacity the compensation shall be 80 percent of the difference between the injured employee’s spendable weekly wages before the injury and the wage-earning capacity of the employee after the injury in the same or another employment, to be paid during the continuance of […]
(a) If an employee who has a permanent physical impairment from any cause or origin incurs a subsequent disability by injury arising out of and in the course of the employment resulting in compensation liability for disability that is substantially greater by reason of the combined effects of the preexisting impairment and subsequent injury or […]
(a) If the injury causes death, the compensation is known as a death benefit and is payable in the following amounts to or for the benefit of the following persons: (1) reasonable and necessary funeral expenses not exceeding $12,000; (2) if there is a widow or widower or a child or children of the deceased, […]
(a) Computation of compensation under this chapter shall be on the basis of an employee’s spendable weekly wage at the time of injury. An employee’s spendable weekly wage is the employee’s gross weekly earnings minus payroll tax deductions. An employee’s gross weekly earnings shall be calculated as follows: (1) if at the time of injury […]
(a) Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, an employer’s liability for payment of weekly compensation under AS 23.30.180 or 23.30.185 to an employee eligible for a disability benefit under AS 14.25.130, AS 39.35.400, or 39.35.410 may not exceed the lesser of (1) the difference between the disability benefit payable to the employee under AS 14.25.130, […]
(a) When periodic retirement or survivors’ benefits are payable under 42 U.S.C. 401 – 433 (Title II, Social Security Act), the weekly compensation provided for in this chapter shall be reduced by an amount equal as nearly as practicable to one-half of the federal periodic benefits for a given week. (b) When it is determined […]