(a) The commissioner of natural resources shall (1) direct, administer, and supervise promotional and experimental work, extension services, and agricultural projects for the purpose of promoting and developing commercial and noncommercial agricultural industry in the state, including horticulture, dairying, cattle raising, fur farming, grain production, vegetable production, and agricultural products; (2) procure and preserve all […]
(a) To carry out the requirements of this title relating to animals or animal products over which the department has jurisdiction, the commissioner may (1) issue orders or permits relating to or authorizing the examination, inspection, testing, quarantine, or embargo of animals or animal products, or premises containing or having contained animals or animal products, […]
The commissioner of environmental conservation may employ or appoint a person to act as the state veterinarian to carry out and enforce the requirements of this title relating to animals or animal products over which the Department of Environmental Conservation has jurisdiction. To be eligible for appointment as the state veterinarian, a person must be […]
(a) The commissioner of natural resources shall employ or appoint a state coordinator for noxious weed, invasive plant, and agricultural pest management and education. (b) The state coordinator employed or appointed under (a) of this section shall oversee the enforcement of state statutes and regulations regarding noxious weeds, invasive plants, and agricultural pests and shall […]
(a) Subject to (b) of this section, the commissioner may adopt rules, regulations, and procedures requiring the classification, grading, and inspection of agricultural products before the products are sold or offered for sale for general consumption, and requiring the marking or labeling of a sack, box, carton, or other container of an agricultural product to […]
(a) To carry out the requirements of this chapter, on any business day during the usual hours of business, or at any time if the commissioner determines that there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of an animal or the general public, the commissioner or an individual designated by the commissioner as […]
(a) An animal, animal product, or agricultural product found by the commissioner, or an individual designated by the commissioner as an inspector, to violate a regulation adopted under this chapter is declared to be a public nuisance injurious to the public interest and may not be moved by the person in whose possession it may […]
(a) Elk may be raised and bred as domestic stock for commercial purposes, including the sale of meat, by a person who lawfully owns the elk and who holds a current valid elk farming license. The commissioner of natural resources may issue an elk farming license for the farming of elk to a person who […]
(a) Industrial hemp is an agricultural crop in the state. An individual who produces industrial hemp shall apply to the department for registration under this section. Registration is valid for one year but may be renewed. An application for registration or renewal must be on a form prescribed by the department that includes (1) the […]
(a) An individual registered under AS 03.05.076 shall have a copy of the individual’s registration in immediate possession at all times when transporting industrial hemp and shall present the copy of the registration for inspection upon the demand of a peace officer or other authorized representative of the department. An individual may display a copy […]
(a) Notwithstanding AS 11.71.040 – 11.71.060, an individual registered under AS 03.05.076 to produce industrial hemp whose product has a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol content between 0.3 percent and one percent may retain and recondition the product as provided in AS 03.05.076(b)(4). (b) An individual who retains but fails to recondition an industrial hemp product described in (a) […]
(a) A record that includes information about an animal that is maintained by the Department of Environmental Conservation to carry out the requirements of this chapter, including a record of the sale, movement, unique identification number, or owner of an animal, is confidential and not subject to disclosure under AS 40.25.100 – 40.25.295 (Alaska Public […]
(a) A person who violates a provision of this chapter or a regulation, order, or quarantine made under authority of this chapter, or violates a provision of a permit issued under this chapter, or sells seeds failing to meet the labeling requirements, standards, and tests provided for by regulation of the commissioner of natural resources […]
In this chapter, (1) “agricultural products” does not include fish, fisheries products, animals, or animal products; (2) “animal” means an animal other than a human being and includes a mammal, insect, bird, fish, and reptile, whether wild or domestic, and whether living or dead; (3) “animal product” means a product, article, or commodity containing any […]