The Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the college or department of the University of Alaska responsible for the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, shall establish and maintain a plant materials center.
The objectives of the plant materials center, in cooperation with the college or department of the University of Alaska responsible for the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, are to (1) assemble, evaluate, select, and increase plant materials needed in soil and water conservation, agriculture, and industry, and maintain genetic purity of these materials; (2) increase […]
The department shall obtain a site, either by donation, lease, or purchase, and erect suitable buildings on the site, if they are needed for the use of the plant materials center. The department shall also acquire the agricultural land, scientific instruments, and equipment necessary to carry on the work of the center. Acquisition of scientific […]
The department shall ensure that competent professional, secretarial, and subprofessional personnel necessary to carry on the work of the center are employed. The administrator of the plant materials center is a joint appointment between the Department of Natural Resources and the college or department of the University of Alaska responsible for the Agricultural and Forestry […]
The department shall cooperate with the college or department of the University of Alaska responsible for the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station and the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, by a formal memorandum of understanding and may cooperate with any department or agency of federal, state, or local government, research organization, […]
The department shall annually prepare a detailed report of the operation of the center and notify the legislature that the report is available. The report must include a statement of all receipts and disbursements.
The department may request, accept, and receive from federal, state, and nongovernment sources financial and other aid and assistance, including personnel and equipment, for the construction, equipment, maintenance, and operation of the center.
Appropriations made by the state for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the center shall be expended upon vouchers approved by the department in the manner prescribed by it.