A state land reforestation fund is established in the department. The money in the state land reforestation fund may be used only for the reforestation of state land, including site preparation, seed and seedling acquisition and cultivation, planting, and other reforestation measures, timber stand improvement, and the development of materials and techniques for the reforestation […]
(a) The state land reforestation fund consists of money appropriated by the legislature and contributions from private donors. It is the intent of the legislature that the appropriations made to the fund equal no less than 25 percent of the revenues from the sale of timber and other forest products from state land as well […]
The commissioner shall prepare an annual report on the uses of the money in the state land reforestation fund, the proposed uses of the fund in the following fiscal year, and the balance in the fund. The commissioner shall notify the legislature within the first 10 days of each session of the legislature that the […]