The purpose of AS 41.21.160 – 41.21.167 is to establish the state-owned land and water areas described in AS 41.21.161 as the Wood-Tikchik State Park. The primary purposes of creating the Wood-Tikchik State Park are to protect the area’s fish and wildlife breeding and support systems and to preserve the continued use of the area […]
(a) The state-owned or acquired land and water lying within the following parcel, containing approximately 1,428,320 acres, is designated as the Wood-Tikchik State Park: beginning at the SE corner of T7S, R54W, S.M., which is the true point of beginning; thence westerly to the NE corner of T8S, R58W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE […]
The land and water described in AS 41.21.161 is assigned to the department for control, maintenance, and development consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter. The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the management of fish and game resources in the Wood-Tikchik State Park, consistent with the purposes and provisions of […]
A seven-member Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Council is created and shall be appointed by the governor. Management council members may, subject to appropriations, receive the same per diem and travel expenses authorized for members of state boards. The governor shall appoint one member of the council from three nominations submitted to the governor by each […]
The Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Council shall develop a management plan for the park with the advice and assistance of the department. The management plan shall be presented at a public meeting before approval and implementation.
The department shall consult with Department of Fish and Game and the management council before adoption of regulations governing the public use of the park. The Department of Fish and Game shall consult with the department and the management council before adoption of regulations governing fish and wildlife management in the park. Regulations may not […]
The fish and wildlife habitat breeding areas in the Wood-Tikchik State Park shall be managed to sustain the fish and wildlife resources of the park in perpetuity.
(a) The land and water areas described in AS 41.21.161 are not open to mineral entry under AS 38.05.135 – 38.05.275. (b) The regulations adopted under AS 41.21.165 shall recognize that the current practice of traditional subsistence and recreational activities includes the use of small outboard motors and snow machines. Reasonable access by aircraft for […]
(a) The purpose of AS 41.21.170 – 41.21.178 is to establish, subject to valid existing rights, the state-owned or acquired land and water described in AS 41.21.172 as the Shuyak Island State Park. In accordance with the covenants and deed restrictions set by the Kodiak Island Borough that support the basic tenets of the Alaska […]
The upland, shoreland, tideland, land underlying tidally influenced inland water, and water overlying this land, including both the surface and subsurface estate, owned or acquired by the state within the following described parcels are designated as the Shuyak Island State Park: (1) Township 17 South, Range 19 West, Seward Meridian Section 18 Section 19 Section […]
(a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.172 are assigned to the department for control, maintenance, and development consistent with the purposes and provisions of AS 41.21.170 – 41.21.178. (b) The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the management of fish and game resources in the Shuyak Island State Park, consistent […]
(a) Except as provided in this section, the commissioner may designate by regulation incompatible uses within the land and water of the Shuyak Island State Park. (b) Possession and use of a weapon in the Shuyak Island State Park shall be allowed at all times and use of the weapon may be restricted only under […]
Land and water outside of the boundaries established in AS 41.21.172 may be added to the Shuyak Island State Park only by an act of the legislature. The commissioner may not acquire land and water within the boundaries of the Shuyak Island State Park by eminent domain.
(a) The purpose of AS 41.21.180 – 41.21.183 is to establish, subject to valid existing rights, the state-owned or acquired land described in AS 41.21.181 as the Point Bridget State Park. The primary purposes of establishing the Point Bridget State Park are to protect the area’s recreational and scenic resources and to preserve and enhance […]
The state-owned land and water within the following described parcels and any land acquired by the state under AS 41.21.182 are established as the Point Bridget State Park: All state land lying within the following unsurveyed sections: Township 37 South, Range 63 East, Copper River Meridian Section 10: E1/2 Section 11: excluding Native Allotment A-061005 […]
If requested by an owner of land, the department may purchase or enter into an exchange under AS 38.50 if the purchase or exchange will improve access to the park, consolidate the ownership of land, or otherwise enhance the purposes of the park as expressed in AS 41.21.180. Land acquired by the department under this […]
(a) The state-owned land and water described in AS 41.21.181 is assigned to the department for control, maintenance, and development consistent with the purposes and provisions of AS 41.21.180 – 41.21.183. (b) The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the management of fish and game resources in the Point Bridget State Park, consistent […]
(a) The purpose of AS 41.21.185 – 41.21.189 is to establish, subject to valid existing rights including those rights created by the Afognak Island Road Use Agreement executed on July 24, 1991, and as amended from time to time, the state-owned or acquired land and water described in AS 41.21.186 as the Afognak Island State […]
The upland, shoreland, tideland, land underlying tidally influenced inland water, and water overlying this land, including both the surface and subsurface estate, owned or acquired by the state within the following described parcels are established as the Afognak Island State Park: (1) Township 21 South, Range 16 West, Seward Meridian according to the United States […]
(a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.186 is assigned to the department as a unit of the state park system for control, maintenance, and development consistent with the purposes and provisions of AS 41.21.185 – 41.21.189. (b) The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the management of fish and game […]