The Citizens’ Advisory Commission on Federal Management Areas in Alaska is established in the department. In the exercise of its responsibilities, the commission shall consider the views of citizens of the state and officials of the state.
(a) The commission is composed of 12 members appointed in accordance with this section. (b) The membership of the commission shall represent each region of the state to give the commission a reasonable geographic balance among regions of the state. (c) The governor shall appoint six members of the commission. (d) The speaker of the […]
The members of the commission appointed by the governor under AS 41.37.170(c) and members appointed under AS 41.37.170(d) and (e) who are not members of the legislature shall be representative of the diversity of users and uses of federal land in the state.
(a) A member of the commission appointed by the governor serves for a term of four years or until a successor is appointed and qualifies. (b) A member of the commission appointed from the legislature serves for the person’s term of office as a legislator or until a successor is appointed and qualifies. (c) Except […]
(a) A member of the commission who is a legislator or a full-time employee of the state or of a municipality of the state shall suffer no loss of compensation from the state or a municipality of the state as a result of service to the commission. (b) A member of the commission is entitled […]
The commission may employ staff and contract for services relating to matters within its authority. Staff employed under this section are responsible to the commission.
(a) The commission shall consider, research, and hold hearings on the consistency with federal law and congressional intent on management, operation, planning, development, and additions to federal management areas in the state. (b) The commission shall consider, research, and hold hearings on the effect of federal regulations and federal management decisions on the people of […]
(a) The commission may establish advisory groups in the state. (b) The commission shall invite nominations for the membership on the advisory groups and shall consider the nominations in making its appointments to the groups. (c) The membership of each advisory group shall be broadly representative of individuals involved in activities affected by the establishment […]
The commission may request the attorney general to file suit against a federal official or agency if the commission determines that the federal official or agency is acting in violation of an Act of Congress, congressional intent, or the best interests of the state.
Each state department, agency, board, and commission shall cooperate with the commission in the fulfillment of the duties of the commission under AS 41.37.220.
In this chapter, “commission” means the Citizens’ Advisory Commission on Federal Management Areas in Alaska.