(a) Under regulations adopted by the commission, every intrastate oil or gas pipeline carrier shall file with the commission, within the time and in the form designated by the commission, all rates, tariffs, charges, classifications, rules, regulations, terms, and conditions pertaining to service provided under the certificate, and shall maintain copies on file at its […]
The terms and conditions under which a pipeline carrier offers its services and facilities to the public shall be governed strictly by the provisions of its currently effective tariffs. A legally filed and effective tariff rate, charge, rule, regulation, or condition of service may not be changed except in the manner provided in this chapter. […]
(a) All rates demanded or received by a pipeline carrier, or by any two or more pipeline carriers jointly, for a service furnished or to be furnished shall be just and reasonable. (b) Additional regulations governing determination of a reasonable tariff shall be published by the commission. (c) Rates demanded, observed, charged, or collected by […]
(a) A pipeline carrier may not, as to rates, grant a preference or advantage to any customer or subject a customer to an unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage. A pipeline carrier may not establish or maintain an unreasonable difference as to rates, either as between localities served or between classes of service provided under the certificate. […]
(a) A pipeline carrier may not establish or place in effect any initial rates, charges, rules, regulations, conditions of service or practices except after 90 days’ notice to the commission and to the public. Notice shall be given by filing with the commission and keeping open for public inspection the tariff provisions which shall plainly […]
(a) When a tariff filing is made containing an initial or revised rate, classification, rule, regulation, practice, or condition of service the commission may, either upon written complaint or upon its own motion, after reasonable notice, conduct a hearing to determine the reasonableness and propriety of the filing. Pending a hearing the commission may, by […]
(a) When the commission, after an investigation and hearing, finds that a rate demanded, observed, charged, or collected by a pipeline carrier for a service, subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, or that a classification, rule, regulation, practice, or contract affecting the rate, is unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory or preferential, the commission shall determine […]
The commission may, after providing reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard, ascertain and set the fair value of the whole or any part of the property of a pipeline carrier, insofar as it is material to the exercise of the jurisdiction of the commission. The commission may make revaluations from time to time and […]