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Home » US Law » 2022 Alaska Statutes » Title 45. Trade and Commerce » Chapter 75. Weights and Measures Act » Article 3. Standards and Regulation for Sale of Commodities.

Sec. 45.75.190. Method of sale of commodities.

(a) Commodities in liquid form may be sold only by liquid measure or by weight. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, commodities not in liquid form may be sold only by weight, by measure of length or area, or by count. However, liquid commodities may be sold by weight and commodities not in liquid […]

Sec. 45.75.200. Declarations of quantity and origin on packages.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a commodity in package form introduced or delivered for introduction into or received in intrastate commerce, kept for the purpose of sale, or offered or exposed for sale in intrastate commerce shall bear on the outside of the package a definite, plain, and conspicuous declaration of (1) […]

Sec. 45.75.210. Declarations of unit price on random packages.

In addition to the declarations required by AS 45.75.200, a commodity in package form, which is one of a lot containing random weights, measures, or counts of the same commodity and bearing the total selling price of the package, shall bear on the outside of the package a plain and conspicuous declaration of the price […]

Sec. 45.75.220. Misleading packages.

A commodity in package form may not be so wrapped, or put in a container so made, formed, or filled as to mislead the purchaser as to the quantity of the contents of the package, and the contents of a container may not fall below the reasonable standard of fill which the director prescribes for […]

Sec. 45.75.225. Advertising packages for sale.

(a) When a commodity in package form is advertised in any manner and the retail price of the package is stated in the advertisement, there shall be closely and conspicuously associated with the statement of price a declaration of the basic quantity of contents of the package as is required by law or regulation to […]

Sec. 45.75.230. Misrepresentation of price.

When a commodity or service is sold, or is offered, exposed, or advertised for sale, by weight, measure, or count, the price may not be misrepresented, and the price may not be represented in a manner calculated or tending to mislead or deceive an actual or prospective purchaser. When an advertised, posted, or labeled price […]

Sec. 45.75.240. Meat, poultry, and seafood.

(a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, meat, meat products, poultry, and seafood except shellfish, offered or exposed for sale or sold as food, shall be offered or exposed for sale and sold by weight. When meat, poultry, or seafood is combined with or associated with some other food element to form either […]

Sec. 45.75.288. Furnace and stove oil.

Furnace and stove oil shall be sold by liquid measure or by net weight. When a delivery of liquid fuel is made in non-package form and in an amount greater than 10 gallons if the sale is by liquid measure, 100 pounds or greater if the sale is by weight, the purchaser shall receive from […]

Sec. 45.75.290. Coal, coke, and charcoal.

(a) Coal, coke, and charcoal shall be sold by weight. Unless the fuel is delivered to the purchaser in package form, each delivery of coal, coke, or charcoal to an individual purchaser shall be accompanied by duplicate delivery tickets on which, in ink or other indelible substance, there are clearly stated (1) the name and […]

Sec. 45.75.300. Textile products.

It is unlawful to keep for the purpose of sale, offer or expose for sale, or sell textile yard goods put up or packaged in advance of sale in a bolt or roll, or any other textile product put up or packaged in advance of sale in any other unit, for wholesale or retail sale, […]

Sec. 45.75.320. Construction of contracts.

Fractional parts of a unit of weight or measure mean like fractional parts of the value of the unit as prescribed or defined in AS 45.75.010 and 45.75.390, and all contracts concerning the sale of commodities and services shall be construed in accordance with this requirement.