(a) The department shall develop a program to abate and prevent pollution from underground petroleum storage tank systems through the adoption of regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act). Consistent with other provisions in AS 46.03.365 – 46.03.450, the regulations may govern (1) notification and registration; (2) inspection and record keeping; (3) construction, installation, and […]
The department shall provide (1) educational assistance to owners and operators of underground petroleum storage tank systems to help them comply with federal and state laws and regulations applicable to the tank systems, including the registration and notification requirements under AS 46.03.380 – 46.03.400; (2) the public with information to help the public understand the […]
(a) The department shall adopt regulations governing the certification of persons who install, test, close, repair, or significantly change the configuration of underground petroleum storage tanks and tank systems. The certification program shall be administered by the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development. In consultation with the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Department of […]
(a) A person, including a governmental entity or institution, or a public corporation, who intends to install, have installed, return to operation, or acquire ownership of an underground petroleum storage tank or tank system shall, before the installation or return to operation, or 30 days after acquisition, register the tank or tank system with the […]
(a) At the time of registration under AS 46.03.380, and annually thereafter, the owner or operator shall pay to the department a registration fee for each tank registered unless the owner or operator has notified the department under AS 46.03.395 that the tank has been taken out of service. An underground storage tank that has […]
An owner or operator who intends to significantly change the configuration of an underground petroleum storage tank system shall notify the department before beginning work on the change by completing and returning to the department a notification form obtained from the department.
If an underground petroleum tank or storage tank system is taken out of operation, the owner or operator of the tank or tank system, or an agent on the owner’s or operator’s behalf, shall provide on forms obtained from the department (1) notification of that fact to the department at least 15 days, but not […]
The registration forms required under AS 46.03.380 – 46.03.395 must require information about the geographical location of a tank or tank system, the estimated age of the tanks and tank system, the total capacity, type of construction, internal and external protection, and piping of the tanks and tank system, and the substance currently or proposed […]
A person, including a governmental entity or institution or a public corporation, may not operate an underground petroleum storage tank or tank system unless (1) the tank and tank system are registered with the department as provided in AS 46.03.365 – 46.03.450 or other law; and (2) the person has provided to the department proof […]
(a) Financial records submitted to the department or to the former Board of Storage Tank Assistance by the owner or operator of an underground petroleum storage tank system are confidential and not subject to inspection or copying under AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.120. The department, in consultation with the affected owner or operator, shall determine which […]
In AS 46.03.365 – 46.03.450, (1) “chemical” means any substance defined in 42 U.S.C. 9601(14) (sec. 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980), as amended, and any substance having the characteristics identified or listed under 42 U.S.C. 6921 (sec. 3001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act), regardless of whether the […]