The department shall classify all potable water systems and facilities actually used or intended for use by the public, and all wastewater systems and facilities that discharge into publicly owned wastewater systems, or to receiving bodies of water, or on land used by others. The classification shall give due regard to (1) the size and […]
There is created the Water and Wastewater Works Advisory Board composed of the commissioner of environmental conservation and eight additional members appointed by the governor. The Water and Wastewater Works Advisory Board shall advise and assist the department in the administration of the training and certification program. Appointments to the board shall be for a […]
The department shall, with the assistance and advice of the Water and Wastewater Works Advisory Board, provide a water and wastewater works operator training program. The purpose of this program is to provide mechanisms for water and wastewater works operators to become certified under the provisions of this chapter and for certified operators to maintain […]
All potable water supply and wastewater systems and facilities, whether publicly or privately owned, which serve 100 or more service connections or are used or intended for use by 500 or more persons, must at all times be under the supervision of an operator whose competency is certified to by the department in a classification […]
Examinations shall be held at least annually at times and places set by the department. Separate examinations shall be given for each operator classification. Applicants who fail to pass an examination may repeat the examination at subsequent regularly scheduled examinations.
The department shall issue certification entitling those persons who successfully complete the required examinations to supervise the operation of potable water supply and wastewater systems and facilities after considering the recommendations of the advisory board. The certificate must designate the class of system for which the operator is qualified in accordance with the classification system […]
Certificates may be issued without an examination to persons employed as water or wastewater works operators on September 24, 1976, who request a waiver. The examination waiver shall be printed on the certificate. An operator certified under this section may request to have a certificate transferred to another facility of the same general class and […]
The department, with the advice of the Water and Wastewater Works Advisory Board, shall adopt regulations for administration of this chapter. The regulations must include (1) the basis for classification of potable water supply and wastewater systems and facilities, including the type and size of lesser systems and facilities, if any, to which the provisions […]
The department, to the extent it determines feasible, shall be guided by the standards recommended by the Association of Boards of Certification for Operating Personnel in Water and Wastewater Utilities.
Certificates may be issued without examination in the comparable classification to an applicant who holds a certificate in a state, territory, or possession of the United States, if its certification requirements and examinations are comparable to those of this state and if reciprocal privileges are granted to operators certified in this state.
In the event of unusual or emergency circumstances or following the hiring of new employees, temporary certificates may be issued to an operator until a time when the operator can be examined and certified. Within two weeks after employment of such an operator, the department must be notified in writing and information shall be provided, […]
It is unlawful (1) for any potable water supply or wastewater system or facility subject to AS 46.30.040 to be operated unless the operator is certified under the provisions of this chapter; (2) for any person to perform the duties of an operator without being certified under the provisions of this chapter.
In this chapter, (1) “certificate” means certificate of competency issued by the department stating that the operator has met the requirements for the specified operator classification of the certification program; (2) “department” means the Department of Environmental Conservation; (3) “potable water supply system” means the system of pipes, structures, and facilities through which water is […]