It is declared by the legislature as a matter of public concern that the needy persons of this state who are eligible for medical care at public expense under this chapter should seek only uniform and high quality care that is appropriate to their condition and cost-effective to the state and receive that care, regardless […]
(a) All residents of the state for whom the Social Security Act requires Medicaid coverage are eligible to receive medical assistance under 42 U.S.C. 1396 – 1396p (Title XIX, Social Security Act). (b) In addition to the persons specified in (a) of this section, the following optional groups of persons for whom the state may […]
(a) An applicant for or recipient of assistance under this chapter is considered to have assigned to the state, through the department and the child support services agency, all rights to accrued and continuing medical support that the applicant and other persons for whom assistance is sought may have from all sources. The assignment takes […]
(a) The department shall offer all mandatory services required under 42 U.S.C. 1396 – 1396p (Title XIX of the Social Security Act). (b) In addition to the mandatory services specified in (a) of this section and the services provided under (d) of this section, the department may offer only the following optional services: case management […]
(a) Notwithstanding AS 47.07.030, the department may not grant assistance under this chapter for inpatient psychiatric services to a person under 21 years of age who is in an out-of-state psychiatric hospital facility or an out-of-state residential psychiatric treatment center unless the department determines that the assistance is for (1) psychiatric hospital services that are […]
(a) If the department finds that the costs of medical assistance for all persons eligible under this chapter will exceed the amount allocated in the state budget for a fiscal year, the department may implement cost containment measures to reduce anticipated program costs for that fiscal year as authorized under this section. (b) The department, […]
(a) The department shall contract with one or more third parties to implement one or more coordinated care demonstration projects for recipients of medical assistance identified by the department. The purpose of a demonstration project under this section is to assess the efficacy of a proposed health care delivery model with respect to cost for, […]
The department shall prepare a state plan in accordance with the provisions of 42 U.S.C. 1396 – 1396p (Title XIX, Social Security Act, Medical Assistance) and submit it for approval to the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The plan shall designate that the Department of Health is the single state agency to […]
(a) Except as provided in (b) – (d) of this section, the state plan developed under AS 47.07.040 shall impose deductible, coinsurance, and copayment requirements on persons eligible for assistance under this chapter to the maximum extent allowed under federal law and regulations. The plan must provide that health care providers shall collect the allowable […]
(a) The department may provide home and community-based services under a waiver in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 1396 – 1396p (Title XIX, Social Security Act), this chapter, and regulations adopted under this chapter, if the department has received approval from the federal government and the department has appropriations allocated for the purpose. To supplement the […]
(a) The department shall provide traumatic or acquired brain injury services under a waiver in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 1396 – 1396p (Title XIX, Social Security Act), this chapter, and regulations adopted under this chapter, if the department has received approval from the federal government and the department has appropriations allocated for the purpose. In […]
The department shall take the steps necessary to adopt those regulations, prepare necessary documentation for the state and providers, and undertake the systems design that may be necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter on or before November 1, 1972. Implementation of the medical assistance program shall include appropriate controls and reporting capabilities as […]
(a) The estate of an individual who received medical assistance payments is subject to a claim for recovery of the medical assistance after the individual’s death that, except as provided in (b) of this section, may be secured by a lien filed against the individual’s real property during the individual’s lifetime if the (1) individual […]
The Department of Administration shall accept and receive all grants of money awarded to the state under 42 U.S.C. 1396 – 1396p (Title XIX, Social Security Act, Medical Assistance). All money received shall be deposited by the Department of Administration in a special account of the general fund and shall be used by the state […]
(a) The department may pay medical assistance under this chapter to a school district on behalf of an eligible child with a disability for rehabilitative and other mandatory and optional services covered under this chapter that are furnished or paid for by the school district if (1) the school district and the department have entered […]
(a) The department shall pay for prescribed drugs under AS 47.07.030(b) under regulations adopted by the commissioner in conformity with applicable federal regulations. (b) The department shall adopt in regulation and regularly update a preferred drug list and a prior authorization medications list under a state program permitted under 42 U.S.C. 1396r-8 (Title XIX, Social […]
(a) Subject to appropriation, the department shall pay for minimum treatment and for preventative and restorative adult dental services provided under AS 47.07.030(b) and under regulations adopted by the commissioner in conformity with applicable federal requirements and this chapter. Regulations adopted under this section must include the following: (1) except as provided in (d) of […]
(a) The department may not pay for abortion services under this chapter unless the abortion services are for a medically necessary abortion or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest. Payment may not be made for an elective abortion. (b) In this section, (1) “abortion” has the meaning given in AS 18.16.090; (2) […]
(a) [See conditional amendment note.] The department shall pay for all services covered by the medical assistance program provided through telehealth in the same manner as if the services had been provided in person, including (1) behavioral health services; (2) services covered under home and community-based waivers; (3) services covered under state plan options under […]
(a) The department shall, by regulation, set rates of payment for health facilities under this chapter and AS 47.25.120 – 47.25.300 in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 1396 (Title XIX, Social Security Act, Medical Assistance) and this section. A rate established under this section takes effect under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) but not until approved […]