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Sec. 47.17.010. Purpose.

To protect children whose health and well-being may be adversely affected through the infliction, by other than accidental means, of harm through physical injury or neglect, mental injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or maltreatment, the legislature requires the reporting of these cases by practitioners of the healing arts and others to the department. It is […]

Sec. 47.17.020. Persons required to report.

(a) The following persons who, in the performance of their occupational duties, their appointed duties under (8) of this subsection, or their volunteer duties under (9) of this subsection, have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has suffered harm as a result of child abuse or neglect shall immediately report the harm to the […]

Sec. 47.17.022. Training.

(a) A person employed by the state or by a school district who is required under this chapter to report abuse or neglect of children shall receive training on the recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect. (b) Each department of the state and school district that employs persons required to report abuse or […]

Sec. 47.17.023. Reports from certain persons regarding child pornography.

A person providing, either privately or commercially, film, photo, or visual or printed matter processing, production, or finishing services or computer installation, repair, or other services, or Internet or cellular telephone services who, in the process of providing those services, observes a film, photo, picture, computer file, image, or other matter and has reasonable cause […]

Sec. 47.17.024. Duties of practitioners of the healing arts.

(a) A practitioner of the healing arts involved in the delivery or care of an infant who the practitioner determines has been adversely affected by, or is withdrawing from exposure to, a controlled substance or alcohol shall immediately notify the nearest office of the department of the infant’s condition. (b) In this section, (1) “controlled […]

Sec. 47.17.025. Duties of public authorities.

(a) A law enforcement agency shall immediately notify the department of the receipt of a report of harm to a child from abuse. Upon receipt from any source of a report of harm to a child from abuse, the department shall notify the Department of Law and investigate the report and, within 72 hours of […]

Sec. 47.17.027. Duties of school officials.

(a) If the department or a law enforcement agency provides written certification to the child’s school officials that (1) there is reasonable cause to suspect that the child has been abused or neglected by a person responsible for the child’s welfare or as a result of conditions created by a person responsible for the child’s […]

Sec. 47.17.030. Action on reports of harm; disclosure.

(a) If a child, concerning whom a report of harm is made, is believed to reside within the boundaries of a local government exercising health functions for the area in which the child is believed to reside, the department may, upon receipt of the report, refer the matter to the appropriate health or social services […]

Sec. 47.17.033. Investigations and interviews.

(a) In investigating child abuse and neglect reports under this chapter, the department may make necessary inquiries about the criminal records of the parents or of the alleged abusive or neglectful person, including inquiries about the existence of a criminal history record involving a serious offense as defined in AS 12.62.900. (b) For purposes of […]

Sec. 47.17.035. Duties of department in domestic violence cases.

(a) In consultation with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, the department shall develop written procedures for screening reports of harm for abuse and neglect of a child to assess whether there is domestic violence occurring within the family. The procedures must include the following factors: (1) inquiry concerning the criminal records of […]

Sec. 47.17.040. Child protection registry; confidentiality.

(a) The department shall maintain a child protection registry of all investigation reports, including substantiated findings under AS 47.10 or AS 47.17. (b) Investigation reports and reports of harm filed under this chapter are considered confidential and are not subject to public inspection and copying under AS 40.25.110 and 40.25.120. However, in accordance with department […]

Sec. 47.17.050. Immunity.

(a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, a person who, in good faith, makes a report under this chapter, permits an interview under AS 47.17.027, or participates in judicial proceedings related to the submission of reports under this chapter, is immune from civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed […]

Sec. 47.17.060. Evidence not privileged.

Neither the physician-patient nor the husband-wife privilege is a ground for excluding evidence regarding a child’s harm, or its cause, in a judicial proceeding related to a report made under this chapter.

Sec. 47.17.064. Photographs and x-rays.

(a) The department or a practitioner of the healing arts may, without the permission of the parents, guardian, or custodian, take the following actions with regard to a child who the department or practitioner has reasonable cause to suspect has suffered physical harm as a result of child abuse or neglect: (1) take or have […]

Sec. 47.17.068. Penalty for failure to report.

A person who fails to comply with the provisions of AS 47.17.020 or 47.17.023 and who knew or should have known that the circumstances gave rise to the need for a report, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

Sec. 47.17.069. Protective injunctions.

(a) A court may enjoin or limit a person from contact with a child if the attorney general establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that the person (1) has sexually abused a child; (2) has physically abused a child; or (3) has engaged in conduct that constitutes a clear and present danger to the […]

Sec. 47.17.290. Definitions.

In this chapter, (1) “athletic coach” means (A) a paid leader or assistant of a sports team; or (B) a volunteer leader or assistant of a sports team who volunteers as a leader or assistant of a sports team for more than four hours a week; (2) “child” means a person under 18 years of […]