(a) Unless licensed under this chapter, a person may not use the title “psychologist” or a title, designation, or device indicating or tending to indicate that the person is a psychologist or practices psychology. (b) Unless licensed under this chapter, a person may not use the title “psychological associate” or a title, designation, or device […]
(a) Unless licensed under this chapter, a person may not practice psychology or hold out publicly as a psychologist or as practicing psychology. A person holds out as a psychologist by using a title or description of services incorporating the words “psychology,” “psychological,” “psychologist,” “psychometry,” “psychotherapy,” “psychotherapeutic,” “psychotherapist,” “psychoanalysis,” or “psychoanalyst” or when holding out […]
(a) A licensed psychologist may practice psychology only under that person’s own name. (b) A licensed psychological associate may practice counseling or psychometry only under that person’s own name.
(a) A psychologist or psychological associate may not reveal to another person a communication made to the psychologist or psychological associate by a client about a matter concerning which the client has employed the psychologist or psychological associate in a professional capacity. This section does not apply to (1) a case conference with other mental […]
(a) After a hearing, the board may impose a disciplinary sanction on a person licensed under this chapter when the board finds that the licensee (1) secured a license through deceit, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation; (2) engaged in deceit, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation in the course of providing professional services or engaging in professional activities; […]
A person who violates this chapter is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
(a) Upon a finding that by reason of demonstrated problems of competence, experience, education, or health the authority to practice psychology or as a psychological associate under this chapter should be limited or conditioned or the practitioner disciplined, the board may reprimand, censure, place on probation, restrict practice by time, specialty, procedure or facility, require […]