10-3120. Filing requirements A. In order to qualify for filing by the commission, a document shall satisfy the requirements of this section and any other section of chapters 24 through 42 of this title that adds to or varies these requirements. B. Chapters 24 through 42 of this title require or permit filing of the […]
10-3121. Forms A. Certificates, reports and statements required by section 10-3202, subsection D and sections 10-11622 and 10-11623 to be delivered to and filed by the commission shall be made on the forms that are prescribed and furnished by the commission. B. The commission may prescribe and furnish on request forms for other documents required […]
10-3122. Filing, service and copying fees; public access fund; expedited report filing and access; same day and next day services A. The commission shall collect and deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the state general fund the following nonrefundable fees when the documents described in this subsection are delivered to the commission for […]
10-3123. Effective time and date of document A. Except as provided in subsections B and C of this section, a document delivered to the commission for filing is effective when the document is delivered to the commission for filing. B. A document may specify a delayed effective time or date, or both, and if so, […]
10-3124. Correcting filed document; articles of incorporation; application for authority to conduct affairs A. A domestic or foreign corporation may correct a document that has been filed by the commission if the document either: 1. Contains an incorrect statement and the correction does not materially alter a substantive provision. 2. Was defectively executed, attested, sealed, […]
10-3125. Filing duty of commission A. At the time of delivery of a document to the commission, the commission shall stamp, endorse or attach the date and time of delivery of the document. B. The commission shall file a document delivered to the commission for filing if both of the following apply: 1. The commission […]
10-3127. Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document A stamp affixed to a copy of a document filed by the commission, bearing the signature of the executive director of the commission, which may be in facsimile, and the seal of the commission, is conclusive evidence that the original document is on file with the commission.
10-3128. Certificate of good standing A. A person may apply to the commission to furnish a certificate of good standing for a domestic or foreign corporation. B. The certificate of good standing sets forth all of the following: 1. The domestic corporation’s corporate name or the foreign corporation’s corporate name used in this state. 2. […]