11-831. Review of land divisions; definitions A. The board of supervisors of each county may adopt ordinances and regulations pursuant to this section for staff review and approval of land divisions of five or fewer lots, parcels or fractional interests, any of which is ten acres or smaller in size. The county may not deny […]
11-832. Appeals of county actions; dedication or exaction; excessive reduction in property value; burden of proof; attorney fees; compliance with court decisions A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a property owner may appeal the following actions relating to the owner’s property by a county, or an administrative agency or official of a county, […]
11-833. Standards for enactment of moratorium; land development; limitations; definitions A. A county shall not adopt a moratorium on construction or land development unless it first: 1. Provides notice to the public published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the community at least thirty days before a final public hearing to be held […]