11-252. Membership in organizations In addition to the powers granted to the board of supervisors by the provisions of this chapter, and not in limitation thereof, the board of supervisors may appropriate and expend annually such amounts as are necessary for the purpose of the counties belonging to and paying dues in the Arizona association […]
11-253. Reports and bonds of county officers A. The board may require any county officer to make reports under oath on any matter connected with the duties of his office, and may require the officer to give such bonds or further bonds as may be necessary for the faithful performance of his respective duties. An […]
11-254. Contribution for economic development In addition to any other provision of law, the board of supervisors may appropriate from the general fund each year up to one million five hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of economic development activity which is operated and maintained within the boundaries of the county and which the board […]
11-254.01. County purchasing procedures; purchases to be based on competitive bids; content and issuance of invitations and specifications; basis of awards and rejection of bids; professional services; buildings A. All purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services, except professional services, made by the county having an estimated cost in excess of ten thousand dollars […]
11-254.02. Contribution for sports economic development and stadium development; limitation; definition A. The board of supervisors of a county having a population of more than one million five hundred thousand persons according to the most recent United States decennial census may appropriate and contribute monies to any governmental agency or municipal corporation for the purpose […]
11-254.03. Board powers; hospitals In addition to the provisions of section 11-251, paragraph 5, if a board maintains a hospital or health care facility for the sick of the county or if a board has delegated this responsibility to a hospital board pursuant to section 36-183.01, the board or county hospital board may: 1. Enter […]
11-254.04. Expenditures for economic development; definition A. In addition to the authority granted under section 11-254, a board of supervisors may appropriate and spend public monies for and in connection with economic development activities. B. To fund economic development activities under this section, a county shall not impose a new fee or tax on a […]
11-254.05. Purchase or lease of development rights; definition A. The board of supervisors, by resolution, may purchase or lease the development rights of private land in the county with monies from any public or private source except for county development fees collected pursuant to section 11-1102. The board may not exercise the power of eminent […]
11-254.06. County infill incentive districts A. The board of supervisors may designate an infill incentive district in any unincorporated area of the county that meets at least three of the following requirements: 1. There is a large number of vacant, older or dilapidated structures. 2. There is a large number of vacant or underused parcels […]
11-254.07. Renewable energy incentive districts; definition A. The board of supervisors may designate a renewable energy incentive district in any unincorporated area of the county if all of the following apply: 1. The proposed district consists of a vacant or underused parcel or parcels of property, or any other parcel or parcels of property the […]
11-254.08. Energy and water savings accounts A. The board of supervisors may establish an energy and water savings account that consists of a designated pool of capital investment monies to fund energy or water savings projects in county facilities. The county may deposit in the account monies generated from the energy or water savings projects […]
11-254.09. Water improvements program; grants; requirements; annual report A. The board of supervisors may establish a program to allow persons to make gifts, grants or donations for the purpose of providing financial assistance to qualified owners of residential real property for making improvements to an existing drinking water well or providing for a water delivery […]
11-255. Annual contract for advertising and printing A. The board shall contract annually for all advertising, publications and printing required to be done or made by all departments of county government. B. Written notice of letting the contract shall be deposited in the post office by the clerk of the board, postage prepaid, addressed to […]
11-256. Lease or sublease of county lands and buildings; exceptions A. The board may lease or sublease, for a term not to exceed twenty-five years plus an option to renew for an additional period not exceeding twenty-five years, any land or building owned by or under the control of the county. B. An appraiser who […]
11-256.01. Lease or sublease of county lands and buildings to governmental entity, county fair association or nonprofit corporation; exception A. Notwithstanding section 11-256, the board may lease or sublease any land or building owned by or under the control of the county to this state, a county fair association that qualifies to conduct a racing […]
11-256.02. Lease, sublease or sale of county hospital property to hospital district; exception Notwithstanding any other statute, the board of supervisors of a county having a population of less than two hundred fifty thousand persons as determined by the latest United States decennial census may lease, sublease or sell a hospital facility or hospital real […]
11-256.03. Conveyance of property for health care institution to nonprofit corporation; powers and duties of county and nonprofit corporation; reports; definitions A. The board of supervisors of any county that has a population greater than one million but less than two million persons and that owns and operates a health care institution may enter into […]
11-256.04. Home equity conversion program; authorization; use of proceeds A. A county, by resolution, may offer a home equity conversion program for persons sixty years of age or older. B. A county shall use any monies obtained from a home equity conversion program, after payment of all costs and expenses, on programs for senior citizens.
11-257. Flood water control works; tax levy A. When flood waters of a river, creek, channel or canyon injure or threaten to injure a public road or highway, or public property, or become a menace to human life and habitation, the board may build dikes, levees or other structures or aid in the construction of […]
11-258. County fair fund; district fairs; operation of fair by corporation; county and state appropriations A. The board may appropriate each year from the general fund a sum, which shall be known as a county fair fund, as follows: 1. In counties having a census of two hundred thousand or more as determined by the […]