13-3831. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " State" includes the District of Columbia. 2. " Close pursuit" does not necessarily imply instant pursuit, but pursuit without unreasonable delay, and includes: (a) Close pursuit as defined by the common law. (b) Pursuit of a person who has committed a felony, or […]
13-3832. Authority of peace officer entering state in close pursuit A member of a duly organized state, county or municipal law enforcement agency of another state who enters this state in close pursuit, and continues within this state in close pursuit of a person in order to arrest him on the ground that he is […]
13-3833. Arrest and hearing; duty of officer and magistrate If an arrest is made in this state by an officer of another state in accordance with the provisions of section 13-3832, he shall without unnecessary delay take the person arrested before a magistrate of the county in which the arrest was made, who shall conduct […]
13-3834. Effect of arrest Section 13-3832 shall not be construed to make unlawful any arrest in this state which would otherwise be lawful.