15-751. Definitions (Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 Applies) In this article, 1. " Bilingual education/native language instruction" means a language acquisition process for students in which much or all instruction, textbooks, or teaching materials are in the child’s native language other than English. 2. " English language classroom" means a classroom in which English is the […]
15-752. English language education (Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 Applies) Subject to the exceptions provided in section 15-753, all children in Arizona public schools shall be taught English by being taught in English and all children shall be placed in English language classrooms. Children who are English learners shall be educated through sheltered English immersion during […]
15-753. Parental waivers (Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 Applies) A. The requirements of section 15-752 may be waived with the prior written informed consent, to be provided annually, of the child’s parents or legal guardian under the circumstances specified in this section. Such informed consent shall require that said parents or legal guardian personally visit the […]
15-754. Legal standing and parental enforcement (Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 Applies) As detailed in sections 15-752 and 15-753, all Arizona school children have the right to be provided at their local school with an English language public education. The parent or legal guardian of any Arizona school child shall have legal standing to sue for […]
15-755. Standardized testing for monitoring education progress (Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 applies) In order to ensure that the educational progress of all Arizona students in academic subjects and in learning English is properly monitored, a standardized, nationally-normed written test of academic subject matter given in English shall be administered at least once each year to […]
15-756. Identification of English language learners A. The primary or home language for all new pupils who enroll in a school district or charter school shall be identified in a manner prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. B. The English language proficiency of all pupils with a primary or home language other than English […]
15-756.01. State board of education; research-based models of structured English immersion; alternative English instruction models; English language learners; budget requests; definitions A. The state board of education shall adopt and approve research-based models of structured English immersion for school districts and charter schools to use. The department of education shall provide adequate staff support for […]
15-756.02. School districts and charter schools; English language learner models; adoption, approval and implementation A. Each school district governing board and each charter school governing body shall select and implement on a school-by-school basis one or more models for structured English immersion and alternative English instruction that the state board of education adopts or approves […]
15-756.03. English language learner budget requests; requirements A. If a school district or charter school qualifies to submit a budget request based on the form prescribed in section 15-756.01, subsection J, the school district or charter school shall submit an English language learner budget request on a school-by-school basis. The budget request shall be for […]
15-756.04. Arizona English language learner fund; local-level funds A. The Arizona English language learner fund is established. The department of education shall administer the fund. B. The department of education shall submit an annual request for an appropriation for the purposes of this section. C. In addition to the ELL support level weight prescribed in […]
15-756.05. Reassessment and reclassification of English language learners A. The process of reassessment of English language learners for the purpose of determining English language proficiency shall be conducted at least annually at the end of each school year in a manner prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. B. A pupil who scores at or […]
15-756.07. Office of English language acquisition services; duties; annual report The office of English language acquisition services is established in the department of education. The department of education, office of English language acquisition services, shall: 1. Develop guidelines for monitoring school districts and charter schools to ensure compliance with all federal and state laws regarding […]
15-756.08. Monitoring; report; corrective action plan A. The superintendent of public instruction shall direct the office of English language acquisition services in the department of education to: 1. Monitor each year at least twelve school districts or charter schools from the fifty school districts or charter schools in this state with the highest number of […]
15-756.09. Teacher training A. The state board of education shall determine the qualifications necessary for a provisional and full structured English immersion endorsement. B. Training may be allowed that is not provided by a college or university to substitute for any of the courses required for a structured English immersion endorsement or a bilingual education […]
15-756.10. Reporting requirements The office of English language acquisition services in the department of education shall: 1. Require each school district and charter school to annually submit a report to the department that includes the following information identified by grade level and by school: (a) The total number of pupils who are classified as English […]
15-756.11. Statewide compensatory instruction fund; reporting; definition A. The statewide compensatory instruction fund is established. The department of education shall administer the fund. B. To be eligible for monies appropriated pursuant to this section, a school district or charter school must demonstrate to the department of education that it has established a satisfactory compensatory instruction […]
15-756.12. Auditor general; annual financial report; modification The auditor general shall modify the annual financial report prescribed in section 15-904 in order to carry out this article.
15-756.13. School district and charter schools; responsibility to comply with state and federal law Nothing in sections 15-756 and 15-756.01 through 15-756.12 relieves a school district or charter school of its responsibility to comply with all state and federal laws.
15-757. Contracts with private vendors School districts and charter schools may enter into contracts with private vendors that provide literacy services that are designed to make participating pupils who begin receiving the services in kindergarten successful at reading, writing and speaking English at the third grade level by the end of the third grade.