15-1481. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Acquire" includes purchase, erect, build, construct, reconstruct, repair, replace, extend, better, furnish, equip, develop, improve and embellish. 2. " Board" means the governing board of a community college district or its successors, but does not include community college tuition financing districts as prescribed […]
15-1482. Powers The board shall have power, for and in behalf of the institution, to: 1. Acquire any project or projects and own, operate and maintain the same. 2. Accept grants or loans of monies from a federal agency. 3. Borrow monies and issue bonds and provide for the payment of the same and for […]
15-1483. Issuance of bonds A. The board for and on behalf of an institution is authorized from time to time to issue negotiable bonds for the purpose of acquiring a project or projects. The bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the board. The bonds may be issued in one or more series, bear such […]
15-1484. Powers to secure bonds A. In connection with the issuance of the bonds authorized by section 15-1483, or in order to secure the payment of such bonds and interest thereon, the board shall have power by resolution to: 1. Fix and maintain tuitions, fees, rentals and other charges from students, faculty members and others […]
15-1485. Monies of institution No monies derived from the sale of bonds under the provisions of this article shall be required to be paid into the state treasury but shall be deposited by the treasurer of the board in a separate bank account or accounts in such bank or banks or trust company or trust […]
15-1486. Validity of bonds The bonds bearing the signatures of officers in office on the date of the signing thereof shall be valid and binding obligations, notwithstanding that before the delivery thereof and payment therefor any or all of the persons whose signatures appear thereon shall have ceased to be officers of the board. The […]
15-1487. Prohibitions against obligating the state of Arizona Nothing in this article shall be construed to authorize the board to contract a debt on behalf of, or in any way to obligate, the state of Arizona, or to pledge, assign or encumber in any way or to permit the pledging, assigning or encumbering in any […]
15-1488. Bonds obligations issued for and on behalf of institutions All bonds issued pursuant to this article shall be obligations issued by the board for and on behalf of the institution payable only in accordance with the terms thereof, and shall not be obligations general, special or otherwise of the state of Arizona. Such bonds […]
15-1489. Certification of bonds by attorney general The board may submit to the attorney general of the state of Arizona any bonds to be issued under this article after all proceedings for the issuance of such bonds have been taken. Upon the submission of such proceedings to the attorney general, it shall be his duty […]
15-1490. Excision of unconstitutional or ineffective parts of article It is declared that the sections, clauses, sentences and parts of this article are severable, are not matters of mutual essential inducement and any of them may be excised by any court of competent jurisdiction if this article would otherwise be unconstitutional or ineffective. It is […]
15-1491. Supplemental nature of article; construction and purpose The powers conferred by this article shall be in addition to and supplemental to the powers conferred by any other law, general or special, and bonds may be issued under the provisions of this article notwithstanding the provisions of and without regard to the procedure required by […]