17-231. General powers and duties of the commission A. The commission shall: 1. Adopt rules and establish services it deems necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this title. 2. Establish broad policies and long-range programs for the management, preservation and harvest of wildlife. 3. Establish hunting, trapping and fishing rules and prescribe […]
17-232. Agreements with other states for reciprocal use of licenses The commission, subject to the approval of the governor and the attorney general, is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with corresponding state or county agencies of adjoining states pertaining to the establishment of a basis whereby licenses or permits issued by either of the […]
17-233. Acquisition and disposition of buffalo and buffalo meat The commission may purchase, sell, barter, or give away buffalo or buffalo meat provided the same may be given only to public institutions or charitable institutions and monies derived therefrom shall be deposited in the game and fish fund.
17-234. Open or closed seasons; bag limits; possession limits The commission shall by order open, close or alter seasons and establish bag and possession limits for wildlife, but a commission order to open a season shall be issued not less than ten days prior to such opening date. The order may apply statewide or to […]
17-235. Migratory birds The commission shall prescribe seasons, bag limits, possession limits and other regulations pertaining to taking migratory birds in accordance with the migratory bird treaty act and regulations issued thereunder, but the commission may shorten or modify seasons, bag and possession limits and other regulations on migratory birds as it deems necessary.
17-236. Taking birds; possession of raptors A. It is unlawful to take or injure any bird or harass any bird upon its nest, or remove the nests or eggs of any bird, except as may occur in normal horticultural and agricultural practices and except as authorized by commission order. Nothing in this title shall be […]
17-237. Pollution of waters The commission is authorized to bring suit in the name of the state against any person, corporation, or government agency, to restrain or enjoin the person, corporation, or government agency from discharging or dumping into a stream or body of water in the state any deleterious substance which is injurious to […]
17-238. Special licenses for field trials, for shooting preserves and for collecting or holding wildlife in captivity A. The commission may adopt rules and regulations and issue licenses for the conduct of field trials, shooting preserves, private wildlife farms and zoos, or for the personal use and possession of wildlife so as to safeguard the […]
17-239. Wildlife depredations; investigations; corrective measures; disposal; reports; judicial review A. Any person suffering property damage from wildlife may exercise all reasonable measures to alleviate the damage, except that reasonable measures shall not include injuring or killing game mammals, game birds or wildlife protected by federal law or regulation unless authorized under subsection D of […]
17-240. Disposition of wildlife; devices; unlawful devices; notice of intention to destroy; waiting period; destruction; jurisdiction of recovery actions; disposition of unclaimed property A. Wildlife seized under this title may be disposed of in such manner as the commission or the court may prescribe, except that the edible portions shall be given to public institutions […]
17-241. Acquisition and disposition of lands and waters; retention of rights; disposition of proceeds A. The commission, in the name of the state, with the approval of the governor may: 1. Acquire by purchase, lease, exchange, gift or condemnation lands for use as fish hatcheries, game farms, firing ranges, reservoir sites or rights of way […]
17-242. Guaranteeing irrigation district assessment; sale of land located within federal reclamation projects and irrigation districts A. The commission, by and with the approval of the governor and state land commissioner, may make contracts with irrigation districts in the name of the state to guarantee the payment of and to pay to the irrigation district […]
17-243. Sale of surplus products of federal aid projects; disposition of proceeds The commission may sell surplus products of federal aid wildlife projects. The proceeds of such sale shall be placed in a special game and fish fund to be known as the federal aid wildlife projects maintenance fund and may be used by the […]
17-244. Bulletin; refuge signboards; posted lands A. A hunting and fishing bulletin shall be available through all license dealers and at such places as the commission may designate. B. Notices or signboards shall be of a size not less than eight by eleven inches and as many of the notices or signboards shall be posted […]
17-245. Training courses The commission may: 1. Offer training courses on a voluntary basis to all persons as prescribed by rule. 2. Require any person whose hunting, fishing or guide license has been revoked or suspended to show a certificate of completion of a training course as a condition to issuance or renewal of a […]
17-246. Ground leases; installment purchase of facilities A. In this section and section 17-247, " game and fish facilities" has the same meaning as prescribed in section 17-281. B. For the purpose of acquiring and financing game and fish facilities and with the approval of the joint legislative budget committee the commission may: 1. Enter […]
17-247. Terms of agreements Installment purchase agreements entered into under section 17-246: 1. Shall include an interest component in the payments to be made pursuant to the agreement. 2. May provide for annual, monthly or other payment periods. 3. May provide that payments be made in advance, at the start of each payment period. 4. […]
17-248. Certification of installment purchase agreements by the attorney general A. The commission shall submit to the attorney general any initial installment purchase agreement after all actions for the authorization of the installment purchase agreement have been taken by the commission and the department. The attorney general shall examine into and pass upon the validity […]
17-249. Inmate labor The commission may contract with the state department of corrections or ARCOR enterprises for the use of inmate labor, including juveniles, in constructing, operating or maintaining game and fish facilities.
17-250. Wildlife diseases; order of director; violation; classification; rule making exemption A. If a wildlife disease is suspected or documented in freeranging or captive wildlife, the director may issue orders that are necessary to minimize or eliminate the threat from the disease. The director may also order or direct an employee of the department to: […]