20-321. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Adjuster" : (a) Means any person who for compensation, fee or commission either: (i) Adjusts, investigates or negotiates settlement of claims arising under property and casualty insurance contracts on behalf of either the insurer or the insured. (ii) Holds oneself out to perform […]
20-321.01. Licensing of adjusters; qualifications; exemption A. A person shall not act as or claim to be an adjuster unless the person is licensed under this article. B. To obtain a license as an adjuster a person shall apply to the director for the license and use the forms prescribed and provided by the director. […]
20-321.02. Application of other laws To the extent permitted by this article, sections 20-281 and 20-284, section 20-286, subsections B, C and D, sections 20-287, 20-288, 20-289 and 20-289.01, section 20-290, subsection A and sections 20-291, 20-292, 20-295, 20-296, 20-297, 20-299, 20-301 and 20-302 apply to adjusters.