21-311. Master jury file; master jury list A. If a superior court uses a master jury file, the presiding judge of the superior court, on completion of the master jury list and at other times as necessary, shall order the jury commissioner to randomly select from the master jury list the number of names that […]
21-312. Juror records A. The list of juror names or other juror information shall not be released unless specifically required by law or ordered by the court. B. All records that contain juror biographical information are closed to the public and shall be returned to the jury commissioner, the jury manager or the court when […]
21-313. Use of jury management automation systems; random selection A. A jury management automation system may be used in the performance of the duties imposed by this title. B. In any county where a jury management automation system is used, the jury commissioner or jury manager shall cause the device to be programmed to ensure […]
21-314. Juror questionnaire A. The jury commissioner or jury manager shall use a questionnaire to determine whether a person is qualified to serve or has valid grounds to be excused or postponed from service. The jury commissioner or jury manager may require additional information from the person to make this determination. The jury commissioner or […]
21-315. Excuse from service; investigation A. If the jury commissioner or jury manager determines that a person has valid grounds to be excused or postponed from jury service, the person shall be notified accordingly. B. The presiding judge may issue an order or the jury commissioner or jury manager may issue a subpoena for any […]