22-101. Justice precincts; formation, change or abolishment; jurisdiction A. The board of supervisors shall divide the county into justice precincts and name or number them, and may change or abolish any justice precinct or redistrict the county, but abolishment of a precinct shall not take effect until expiration of the term of office of the […]
22-102. Officers and term of office The officers of justice precincts shall be a justice of the peace and a constable, who shall be elected by the qualified electors of the precinct at the general election for state and county officers for terms of four years each.
22-103. Presiding justice of the peace; selection In any county in which two or more justice courts are located, the justices of the peace in that county shall periodically select one justice of the peace to serve as presiding justice of the peace and another justice of the peace to act as the presiding justice […]
22-104. Presiding constable; associate presiding constable; selection; duties A. In each county in which there are four or more constables, the constables in that county shall select by majority vote one constable to serve as the presiding constable and another constable to act as the associate presiding constable and to perform the duties and exercise […]