25-517. License suspension; notice; administrative review or hearing A. The department or its agent shall notify an obligor who is at least six months in arrears in making child support payments, periodic payments on a support arrearage or periodic payments pursuant to a court order of support that the obligor may be referred to court […]
25-518. Child support arrearage; license suspension; hearing A. If a court finds from the evidence presented at a hearing to enforce a child support order that the obligor has wilfully failed to pay child support, continues after notice pursuant to section 25-517, subsection A to wilfully fail to pay child support and is at least […]
25-519. Regulatory entities; suspension of license The following are subject to the requirements of section 25-518: 1. All boards established under title 32. 2. The deputy director of the financial institutions division of the department of insurance and financial institutions. 3. The registrar of contractors. 4. The department of public safety. 5. Boards and agencies […]
25-520. Child support enforcement; administrative subpoena; civil penalty A. In a title IV-D case the department or its agent may issue a subpoena to a person or entity believed to have information needed for the establishment of paternity or the establishment, modification or enforcement of a child support order, requiring appearance before the department or […]
25-521. Levy; seizure of property for collection of support debt; definitions A. If there is a court ordered judgment or if the obligor is in arrears in an amount equal to twelve months of support, the department may issue a levy and collect the amount owed by the obligor by levy on all property and […]
25-522. Administrative review; notice; determination; judicial review; definitions A. An obligor may contest an enforcement action by the department or its agent by filing a request for administrative review. An obligee may contest the distribution or disbursement of support payments by the department or its agent by filing a request for administrative review. The obligor, […]
25-523. Financial institutions data match; nonliability; prohibited disclosure; liability; civil liability; definition A. The department shall enter into agreements with financial institutions that conduct business in this state to develop and operate a data match system to assist the department in the establishment, modification and enforcement of child support orders. The data match system shall […]
25-524. Financial institutions; surrender of assets; nonliability A. On receipt of a notice of lien or levy a financial institution shall encumber or surrender, as appropriate, assets held by the institution on behalf of an obligor. B. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a financial institution is not subject to civil liability for encumbering or […]
25-525. Administrative enforcement; interstate cases; definition A. The department or its agent shall respond promptly to a request made by a title IV-D agency in another state to enforce a support order. The department shall use high volume automated administrative enforcement to the same extent as used for intrastate cases in response to a request […]
25-526. Child support enforcement information; internet posting The department of economic security division of child support enforcement shall post information on the internet on a quarterly basis that identifies no fewer than ten nonpayors of child support who have an arrearage in an amount equal to or greater than twelve months of support. The information […]
25-527. Child support; overpayment; reimbursement A. An obligor whose obligation to pay support has terminated may file a request for reimbursement against the obligee for support payments made in excess of the amount ordered. The obligor must file the request with the clerk of the superior court within twenty-four months after the termination of the […]
25-528. Title IV-D recipients; fee A. If a recipient of title IV-D services receives at least $550 of support in a federal fiscal year and the recipient has never received assistance under a state or tribal title IV-A program, the department shall charge an annual fee as prescribed in 42 United States Code section 654(6)(B)(ii), […]
25-529. Title IV-D cases; alternative medical insurance coverage The director of the department of economic security may disseminate information provided by the department of insurance and financial institutions regarding individual medical insurance plans and may enter into agreements with a consortium of other states to offer medical insurance coverage to children in title IV-D cases.
25-530. Spousal maintenance; veterans disability benefits; definition A. In determining whether to award spousal maintenance or the amount of any award of spousal maintenance to a requesting party, the court shall not consider any federal disability benefits awarded to the other spouse for service-connected disabilities pursuant to 10 United States Code section 1413a or 38 […]