27-341. Escapement shafts A. Every operator maintaining in a mine a vertical or incline shaft or an adit to a distance greater than one hundred feet and who has drifted a distance of two hundred feet or more and commenced to stope, shall provide and maintain to the hoisting shaft or opening through which men […]
27-342. Mine outlets Every mine shall have at least two outlets to the surface except as otherwise provided in this article. The outlets shall not lead to the surface in the same house and shall not at any point be closer to one another than thirty feet. If two outlets of a mine or part […]
27-343. Structures over mine outlet No structure shall be erected over an outlet of a mine except the headframe necessary for hoisting from a shaft and the hatch or door necessary for hoisting from a shaft and the hatch or door required to protect persons obligated to work at the top of a shaft from […]
27-344. Timbering support A. Minimum standards for proper timbering or other ground support of any working place shall be suitable to the conditions of the mining system. When necessary such standards shall be set by the inspector after consultation with the operator involved. B. When any working place has dangerous or hazardous ground no work […]
27-345. Shelter areas On every level of an underground mine where mechanical haulage is employed and in which there is not sufficient clearance for employees, unobstructed shelter areas in which employees can find safety from moving trains shall be provided at intervals of not more than two hundred feet.
27-346. Ladder-ways Every shaft, winze, raise or incline, of slope steeper than forty degrees from the horizontal, and deeper than forty feet, through which persons are obliged to travel, shall be equipped with a suitable ladder-way.
27-347. Construction of ladder-ways A. Permanent ladder-ways shall be strong and firmly fastened, and shall be kept in good repair. B. In a vertical shaft the inspector may, in his discretion, by an order in writing, direct that the ladder be inclined at the most convenient angle which the space where the ladder is fixed […]
27-348. Shaft stations Stations or levels shall have a passageway around the working shaft so that crossing over the hoisting compartments may be avoided. Sumps shall be securely covered. At shaft stations a gate or guard rail shall be provided and kept in place across the shaft, except when a cage, skip or bucket is […]
27-349. Tracks and roadbeds; maintenance underground When mechanical haulage is in an underground mine, the tracks, roadbeds, rails, joints, switches and frogs shall be constructed, installed, bonded and maintained in a manner consistent with the speed and type of haulage operation being conducted.
27-350. Lights; trolley wires A. Stationary lights which are approved by the inspector shall be provided during working hours at all stations in shafts during the time such shafts are in actual use, and at all stations in levels where hoisting or hauling is conducted by means of machinery, and at night at all working […]
27-351. Hoists; operator; indicator A. No person addicted to intoxicating liquors or drugs, or under eighteen years of age shall be employed as a hoisting engineer. B. All power hoisting machinery used in hoisting from or lowering employees and materials into mines, except for prospect shafts not exceeding three hundred feet in depth, shall be […]
27-352. Inspection and construction of hoists A. Hoisting machinery, cables and sheaves shall be inspected once every twenty-four hours by a competent person appointed by the operator for that purpose, and the person making the inspection shall immediately report in writing to the operator all defects found. B. Ropes or cables used for hoisting purposes […]
27-353. Safety cage and catches A. It is unlawful for the operator of a mine to permit hoisting or lowering persons in a shaft deeper than three hundred feet except shafts in process of sinking, unless an iron-bonnetted safety cage equipped with gates at least five feet in height is used for hoisting and lowering […]
27-354. Cross-heads; buckets A. Vertical shafts more than two hundred feet deep from which hoisting is done by a bucket shall be provided with suitable guides, and with the bucket a cross-head traveling upon the guides shall be provided. The height of the cross-head shall be at least one and one-half times its width. If […]
27-355. Hoisting tools and materials A. When tools, timber or other materials are loaded or hoisted in the shaft, the ends, if projecting above the top of the bucket, skip or other vehicle, shall be securely fastened to the hoisting rope or to the upper part of the vehicle, and tools, timber or other materials […]
27-356. Protection from falling materials A. Persons engaged in sinking a shaft in which regular hoisting from an upper level is going on, shall be protected from the danger of falling material by a suitable covering, with a sufficient opening left in the covering for the passage of the bucket or conveyance used in the […]
27-357. Hoist release signal A. At a mine where men are hoisted by mechanical means, a hoistman charged with the hoisting shall be kept on duty at the hoist at all times when men are underground, except as provided in subsection B. B. The requirements of subsection A shall not apply to an automatic hoist […]
27-358. Signaling apparatus A. Every shaft and each compartment thereof used for hoisting which exceeds fifty feet in depth, and not exempted in writing by the inspector, shall be provided with an efficient means of interchanging distinct and definite signals between the top of the shaft and the lowest level from which hoisting is being […]
27-359. Signal code A. The following signal code shall be used in all mines: 1 bell, stop immediately if in motion. 1 bell, hoist muck, after preliminary signal for hoisting muck. 2 bells, lower. 3 bells, raise. 3 -1 bells, hoist men. 3 -2 bells, lower men. 4 bells, release cage, skip, or bucket to […]
27-360. Precautions against flooding A. When advancing a drift, adit, level or incline toward a mine working that appears to be filled with water, a bore hole shall be kept at least twenty feet in advance of the breast of the drive and also, if necessary, in directions laterally from the course of the drive. […]