27-271. Definition of common variety minerals For purposes of this article, " common variety minerals" : 1. Includes deposits of petrified wood, stone, pumice, pumicite or cinders, decomposed granite, sand, gravel, boulders, common clay, fill dirt and waste rock. 2. Includes deposits that, although they may have value for use in trade, manufacturing and the […]
27-271.01. Inventory of trust land containing common mineral products, materials and property The department shall maintain an inventory of lands suitable for lease or sale that are within the boundaries identified in section 37-312 and are located in a county of more than six hundred thousand persons according to the most recent United States decennial […]
27-272. Common variety mineral leases; terms and conditions; rules A. The state land department may dispose of common variety minerals at auction and may execute common variety mineral leases offered at auction for the severance, extraction or disposal of common variety minerals. B. A lease shall be comprised of not more than one legal section […]
27-273. Performance and reclamation bonds A. The commissioner may require the lessee to post a cash deposit, a certificate of deposit, a surety bond or any other form of financial assurance acceptable to the commissioner to guarantee the payment of all monies due under the lease as royalty to the state. B. The commissioner shall […]
27-274. Trade secrets; confidentiality; definition A. For the proper administration of state land, the state land commissioner may require a lessee to submit relevant geologic, engineering and feasibility studies and other economic and technical information that is considered a trade secret in the mineral industry. B. To evaluate the mineral potential of state trust land, […]
27-276. Enforcement Leases issued and executed under this article are subject to the enforcement provisions prescribed by section 27-239.