3-3601. Definitions In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Branch office" means any fixed place of business, other than the primary office, where records are kept, mail is received, statements are rendered, money is collected, requests for service or bids are received, information pertaining to the business of pest management is given […]
3-3602. Applicability of chapter; state preemption A. This chapter applies to pest management. This chapter does not apply to pesticide applications used directly in the commercial production of crops and animals or used, if not for hire, on golf courses. B. The regulation of pest management is of statewide concern. The regulation of pest management […]
3-3603. Powers and duties of director A. The director is responsible for administering this chapter and shall: 1. Adopt rules that are necessary or proper to administer and implement this chapter, including rules that may be more stringent than a corresponding federal law for: (a) Administrative provisions. (b) Licensure, certification and registration requirements and qualifications, […]
3-3604. Pest management trust fund A. The pest management trust fund is established for the exclusive purpose of implementing, continuing and supporting the division and its objectives as established by this chapter. B. The director shall administer the trust fund as trustee. The state treasurer shall accept, separately account for and hold in trust any […]
3-3605. Pest management division council; members; duties A. The director shall establish by rule a pest management division council to assist and make recommendations to the director regarding the administration and implementation of this chapter but excludes reviewing and making recommendations on individual cases, investigations or applications for certification or licensing. The director shall appoint […]
3-3606. Pesticide applications at schools and child care facilities; advance notification; exemptions A. Only a certified applicator may apply pesticides at a school or child care facility. B. A business licensee or certified applicator shall notify a school or a child care facility at least seventy-two hours in advance of any pesticide application in order […]