31-471. Western interstate corrections compact The western interstate corrections compact is entered into by this state with any and all other states legally joining therein in a form substantially as follows: Western Interstate Corrections Compact ARTICLE I Purpose and Policy The party states, desiring by common action to improve their institution facilities and provide programs […]
31-472. Commitment or transfer of inmate; prohibition against transfer of inmate sentenced under Arizona law to institution outside state in absence of consent; irrevocability of consent Any court or other agency or officer of this state having power to commit or transfer an inmate, as defined in article II(d) of the western interstate corrections compact, […]
31-473. Enforcement of compact; hearings in compliance with compact A. The courts, departments, agencies, and officers of this state and its subdivisions shall enforce the western interstate corrections compact and shall do all things appropriate to the effectuation of its purposes and intent which may be within their respective jurisdictions including but not limited to […]
31-474. Contracts implementing state’s participation in compact; prerequisite approval; authorized provisions; determination of suitability of institution and confinement The director of corrections may enter into such contracts on behalf of this state as may be appropriate to implement the participation of this state in the western interstate corrections compact pursuant to article III thereof. No […]
31-475. Right of transferred prisoner on release from prison outside this state Every prisoner released from a prison without this state to which he has been committed or transferred from this state pursuant to the compact shall be entitled to the same benefits, including, but not limited to money and tools, as are allowed to […]