32-1051. Duties of licensees An individual, firm, partnership, association or corporation to whom a license is to be issued under this chapter shall: 1. Meet the financial responsibility and bonding requirements of this chapter. 2. Not have been a former licensee under this chapter whose license was suspended or revoked and not subsequently reinstated. 3. […]
32-1053. Denial, revocation or suspension of license A. The deputy director may deny a license to a person or suspend or revoke a license pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10 if the deputy director finds that an applicant or licensee: 1. Is insolvent as defined in section 47-1201. 2. Has violated any applicable […]
32-1055. Unlawful acts A. It is unlawful for a person to conduct a collection agency in this state without having first applied for and obtained a license under this chapter. B. A collection agency licensed under this chapter shall not directly or indirectly aid, abet or receive compensation from an unlicensed person. Nothing in this […]
32-1056. Violation; classification A. A person operating a collection agency without a license shall be guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. B. A licensee violating the provisions of section 32-1055 or the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to revocation of license and shall be guilty of a class 1 […]
32-1057. Prosecution of violations; individual liability A. The prosecuting officer of a county or city shall prosecute all violations of this chapter occurring within his jurisdiction. B. An officer or agent of a corporation or association participating in a violation of this chapter by such corporation or association shall be subject to the penalties prescribed […]
32-1151. Engaging in contracting without license prohibited It is unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, corporation, association or other organization, or a combination of any of them, to engage in the business of, submit a bid or respond to a request for qualification or a request for proposals for construction services as, act or offer […]
32-1151.01. Change in ownership; notice to registrar A corporation, association or other organization that is a licensed contractor shall immediately notify the registrar of any transfer of ownership of twenty-five percent or more of the stock or beneficial interest in the company.
32-1151.02. List of unlicensed contractors; website publication A. The registrar shall maintain a list of persons who have been convicted of contracting without a license in violation of section 32-1151 or administratively adjudicated to have been contracting without a license after being issued a civil citation pursuant to section 32-1166.01. The list shall include any […]
32-1152. Bonds A. Before granting an original contractor’s license, the registrar shall require of the applicant a surety bond in a form acceptable to the registrar or a cash deposit as provided in this section. No contractor’s license may be renewed unless the applicant’s surety bond or cash deposit is in full force and effect. […]
32-1152.01. Alternatives to cash deposit A. As an alternative to the cash deposit provided for in section 32-1152, subsection B, a contractor may substitute any of the following: 1. Certificates of deposit assigned to the registrar, issued by banks doing business in this state and insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation. 2. Investment certificates […]
32-1153. Proof of license as prerequisite to civil action No contractor as defined in section 32-1101 shall act as agent or commence or maintain any action in any court of the state for collection of compensation for the performance of any act for which a license is required by this chapter without alleging and proving […]
32-1154. Grounds for suspension or revocation of license; continuing jurisdiction; civil penalty A. The holder of a license or any person named on a license pursuant to this chapter may not commit any of the following acts or omissions: 1. Abandonment of a contract or refusal to perform after submitting a bid on work without […]
32-1155. Filing of complaint; resolution of complaint; service of notice; failure to answer; prohibited citations A. On the filing of a written complaint with the registrar charging a licensee with the commission of an act that is cause for suspension or revocation of a license, including an act that is in violation of title 44, […]
32-1156. Hearings A. Title 41, chapter 6, article 10 applies to hearings under this chapter. B. In a hearing or rehearing conducted pursuant to this section a company may be represented by an officer or employee who is not a member of the state bar if both: 1. The company has specifically authorized the officer […]
32-1156.01. Restitution; prohibition A. After a hearing pursuant to this article, an administrative law judge may recommend that a licensee provide restitution to any person who is injured or whose property is damaged by an action of the licensee. B. A restitution award made pursuant to this section may not include attorney fees.
32-1157. Appeals; costs; transcript A. Except as provided in section 41-1092.08, subsection H, a final decision of the registrar may be appealed to the superior court pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6. B. The party who is appealing may request in writing and shall receive from the registrar a certified copy of all […]
32-1158. Contract requirements; provision of documents and receipt at contract signing A. Any contract in an amount of more than $1, 000 entered into between a contractor and the owner of a property to be improved shall contain in writing at least the following information: 1. The name of the contractor and the contractor’s business […]
32-1158.01. Swimming pool; spa; construction contracts A. In addition to the requirements of section 32-1158, a licensed contractor who enters into a contract for the construction or installation of a residential in-ground swimming pool or spa with a purchaser who resides in the residence or who intends to reside in the residence after the completion […]
32-1158.02. Residential construction contracts A. For residential repair or replacement of damage resulting directly from a catastrophic storm in a specific area that is designated by an insurer, in addition to the requirements of section 32-1158, a licensed contractor who enters into a contract for the repair or replacement of a residential roof or other […]
32-1159. Indemnity agreements in construction and architect-engineer contracts void; definitions A. A covenant, clause or understanding in, collateral to or affecting a construction contract or architect-engineer professional service contract that purports to indemnify, to hold harmless or to defend the promisee from or against liability for loss or damage resulting from the sole negligence of […]