32-1293. Practicing as denturist; denture technology; dental laboratory technician A. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 32-1202, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit a denturist certified pursuant to the provisions of this article from practicing denture technology. B. A person is deemed to be practicing denture technology who: 1. Takes impressions and bite […]
32-1294. Supervision by dentist; definitions; mouth preparation by dentist; liability; business association A. A denturist may practice only in the office of a licensed dentist, denominated as such. B. All work by a denturist shall be performed under the general supervision of a licensed dentist. For the purposes of this section, " general supervision" means […]
32-1295. Board of dental examiners; additional powers and duties A. In addition to other powers and duties prescribed by this chapter, the board shall: 1. As far as applicable, exercise the same powers and duties in administering and enforcing this article as it exercises under section 32-1207 in administering and enforcing other articles of this […]
32-1296. Qualifications of applicant A. To be eligible for certification to practice denture technology an applicant shall: 1. Hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. 2. Present to the board evidence of graduation from a recognized denturist school or a certificate of satisfactory completion of a course or curriculum in denture technology from a […]
32-1297.01. Application for certification; fingerprint clearance card; denial; suspension A. Each applicant for certification shall submit a written application to the board accompanied by a nonrefundable jurisprudence examination fee and obtain a valid fingerprint clearance card issued pursuant to section 41-1758.03. B. The board may deny an application for certification or for certification renewal if […]
32-1297.03. Qualification for reexamination An applicant for examination who has previously failed two or more examinations, as a condition of eligibility to take any further examination, shall furnish to the board satisfactory evidence of having successfully completed additional training in a recognized denturist school or refresher courses approved by the board or the board’s testing […]
32-1297.04. Fees The board shall establish and collect fees, not to exceed the following amounts: 1. For an examination in jurisprudence, two hundred fifty dollars. 2. For each replacement or duplicate certificate, twenty-five dollars.
32-1297.05. Disposition of revenues The provisions of section 32-1212 shall apply to all fees, penalties and other revenues received by the board under this article.
32-1297.06. Denturist certification; continuing education; certificate reinstatement; certificate for each place of practice; notice of change of address or place of practice; penalties A. Except as provided in section 32-4301, a certification expires thirty days after the certificate holder’s birth month every third year. On or before the last day of the certificate holder’s birth […]
32-1297.07. Discipline; procedure A. After a hearing pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10, the board may suspend or revoke the license issued to a person under this article or censure or place on probation any person for any of the causes set forth as grounds for censure, probation, suspension or revocation in section […]
32-1297.08. Injunction A. An injunction shall issue to enjoin the practice of denture technology by any of the following: 1. One neither certified to practice as a denturist nor licensed to practice as a dentist. 2. One certified as a denturist from practicing without proper supervision by a dentist as required by this article. 3. […]
32-1297.09. Violations; classification A person is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor who: 1. Not licensed as a dentist, practices denture technology without certification as provided by this article. 2. Exhibits or displays a certificate, diploma, degree or identification of another or a forged or fraudulent certificate, diploma, degree or identification with the intent that […]